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tiān mén
  • Tianmen;palace gate;gate to the imperial palace;gate of the heavenly palace;middle of the forehead
天门 [tiān mén]
  • (1) [gate of heavenly palace]∶神话传说中天宫的门

  • (2) [gate of palace]∶帝王宫殿大门

  • (3) [middle of forehead]∶指人额头的中间

  • (4) [heart]∶人的心(道士用语)

  1. 在DEA评价的基础上进一步分析了天门市、松滋市、洪湖市三个地区的耕地产出与投入有效性。

    At the basis of DEA evaluation , the thesis analysis of the effectiveness of outputs and inputs of Tianmen city , Songzi city and Honghu city .

  2. 天门山旅游市场的调查与开拓

    Investigation and opening up of the tourist market in Tianmen Mountain

  3. 世界没有终结&天门也投有打开。

    The world had not ended & no heaven opened up .

  4. 天门汉江公路大桥设计简介

    A Brief Introduction to Design of Tianmen Hanjiang River Highway Bridge

  5. 昔日的天门古郡业已成为今天的国际旅游新城。

    Old days Mengu county has become an international tourist metro .

  6. 他的记忆被困在他那奇异的天门阵内。

    His memory was trapped in his own amazing Sky-Door Maze .

  7. 祠庙和戏楼想象你的古老和辉煌记洛阳周公庙和应天门遗址

    Shrine temples and the aters-just imagine your oldness and brilliance

  8. 天门市2008年恶性肿瘤死亡调查结果分析

    Analysis of Death Investigation Results of Malignant in Tianmen City in 2008

  9. 但现在我敲了他三天门,都没人应。

    But now he hasn 't answered the door in three days .

  10. 经过数年的学习及训练,他开启了天门阵。

    Through years of learning and training he started his Sky-Door Maze .

  11. 张家界天门山玻璃栈道会更加刺激。

    Even more terrifying is the Tianmenshan crystal glass skywalk in Zhangjiajie .

  12. 针刺家兔天门穴致死原因的探讨

    Investigation of Lethal Reason in Puncturing Tianmen in Rabbit

  13. 农业技术推广过程中制度因素的影响&湖北省天门市棉花害虫综合防治项目案例分析报告

    Institutional impact on the extension process of Agro Technology

  14. 我就以倾注的雨水开了许多天门。

    So We opened the gates of heaven , with water pouring forth .

  15. 神话资源的共享与争夺&先秦秦汉天门神话研究

    The Sharing and Competition in the Myth Resource

  16. 你现在看的是处女星座的天门星。

    The star you 're Iooking at right now is a Virgo named spica .

  17. 湖北省天门县10年新生儿破伤风发病情况分析

    Investigation on Ten-Years ' Incidences of Tetanus Neonatorum in Tianmen County of Hubei Province

  18. 天门是天界之门,天神居处的大门,又是理想世界的象征之门。

    Tianmen is the great gate of the paradise and the god 's residence .

  19. 天门市各乡镇耕地资源可持续利用评价

    Evaluation on Cultivated Land Resource Sustainable Utilization for Villages and Towns in Tianmen Municipality

  20. 在它黑影之上,天门打开了。

    Above its shadows heaven stood open .

  21. 进入紫金城南天门拾级而上,是金顶灵官殿长廊。

    Zijin City went up the stairs into the suspicions is Jinding Lingguan Dian promenade .

  22. 蓝印花布遍及湖北全省,尤以天门蓝印花布最负盛名。

    Blue cloth over the Hubei province , particularly in Tianmen most prestigious blue cloth .

  23. 天门山国家森林公园野生花卉资源调查及其园林应用

    Study on the Investigation , Exploitation and Utilization of Wild Flower Resources in Tianmen Mountain

  24. 初步之分析结果显示脯胺酸、胺酸以及天门科醯胺出现之频率最高。镧与酸雨对大豆幼苗叶绿素含量和光合速率的复合影响

    Effects of La and Acid Rain on Chlorophyll Content and Photosynthetic Rate of Soybean Seedling

  25. 2006年,天门山再次上演新的传奇。

    Another legend was on in2006 .

  26. 在1998年,夏海波作为镇上最优秀的学生被天门中学录取。

    In1998 , Xia was enrolled by Tianmen Middle School as the best student in town .

  27. 首次对天门山旅游市场进行了问卷调查。

    This paper is the first investigation of the tourist market in Tianmen Mountain by using questionnaires .

  28. 和新海诚以前的作品一样,天门负责电影的音乐。

    As in Shinkai " s previous works , Tenmon composes for this film " s soundtrack .

  29. 我们若听到基督今天就打开天门回来,那我们将会作出怎样的改变呢?

    What would change for us if we heard Christ preparing to open the gates of heaven today ?

  30. 天门阵震惊了他的对手-宋室的杨家。

    That amazed the Yang 's family , the rivals from the Sung Dynasty he had to face .