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  1. 我不觉得孵天鹅蛋很蠢。

    I don 't think your egg is a stupid idea .

  2. 李亚明经理表示,这两人有偷走天鹅蛋的重大嫌疑。

    Li said the tourists are suspected of stealing the eggs .

  3. 只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就算生在养鸭场里也没有什么关系。

    If you are a swan eggs , even if born in the duck farm , there is no relationship .

  4. 出生在鸭窝里有什么关系,只要是从天鹅蛋里孵化出来的就行了。

    It matters nothing if one is born in a duck-yard , if one has only lain in a swan ` s egg .

  5. 景区的工作人员还表示,未孵化的天鹅蛋既不能食用也不能孵化小天鹅,即便摆在家中观赏也不行,因为天气炎热时可能会爆裂。

    Staff at the scenic spot also said the unfertilized eggs are not edible and cannot be incubated again . They can 't be used for decorative purposes either , as they may burst in hot temperatures .

  6. 据当地媒体报道,在中国东部的山东省泰安市的一个旅游景点内,因为两只黑天鹅的5颗蛋被偷走了,所以它们有4天的时间未进食。

    Two black swans have stopped eating for four days after five of their eggs were suspected stolen from a scenic spot in Taian City , East China 's Shandong Province , local media reported .

  7. 据景区经理李亚明表示,在该饲养员走近观察才发现,天鹅窝里的5颗天鹅蛋全不见了。

    Further scrutiny showed that five eggs were missing , said Li Yaming , a manager at the scenic spot .

  8. 根据景区的一段监控视频显示,有一男一女两名游客在天鹅旁逗留约半小时,在拍了不少照片后,看起来又对着天鹅蛋做了手势。

    A surveillance video at the site showed that two tourists , one man and one woman , were near the black swans for approximately half an hour , and seemed to motion toward the eggs after taking photographs .