
  • 网络taicang port
  1. 三次指数平滑法在太仓港吞吐量预测中的应用

    Three exponential smoothing method in Taicang Port Throughput Prediction

  2. 码头从太仓港沿长江黄金水道溯流而上,可直达重庆。

    Port From Taicang Port , go up stream along Yangtze River directly to Chongqing .

  3. 江苏省太仓港再生资源进口加工区介绍

    Introduction of Imported Secondary Resources Processing Zone . Taicang Harbor , Jiangsu Province

  4. 太仓港在上海航运中心中的地位和作用研究

    The Study on the Importance and Functions of the Port " Taicang " in Shanghai Shipping Center

  5. 本文的最后部分还对太仓港熏蒸作业系统存在的不足进行了分析,并提出了下一步的改进方向。

    The rear part of this dissertation also analyzes the defects of the fumigation system in Taicang Port .

  6. 太仓港毗邻上海市,背靠江苏省经济最发达的苏、锡、常地区。

    Taicang Port is adjacent to Shanghai and the most developed region of Jiangsu Province-Su Xi Chang area .

  7. 实时交易数据发布系统的高吞吐量架构设计三次指数平滑法在太仓港吞吐量预测中的应用

    High Throughput Architecture Design for Real-time Market Data Dissemination Applications ; Three exponential smoothing method in Taicang Port Throughput Prediction

  8. 本文系统地分析了太仓港腹地经济社会发展、交通运输发展的现状和未来发展远景,对集装箱运输需求进行了预测;

    The paper analyzes the economic situation and transportation level of the hinterland of Taicang Port , then forecasts the container transportation demand .

  9. 太仓港地处江苏省苏南地区东南部、长江入海口南岸,是江苏省重点建设的第一外贸大港和上海国际航运中心北翼集装箱干线港。

    Taicang port is the first international trade of Jiangsu province that constructed weightily and the harbor of north wing container of international shipping centre of Shanghai .

  10. 通过对太仓港围滩吹填工程施工过程泥浆水的采样分析,研究涉及工程施工过程泥浆扩散和演变规律;

    By means of analysing samples of slurry water in the construction of embankment and hydraulic fill at the Taicang Port , the mud diffusion and the evolution pattern is studied in the process of project construction .

  11. 第四部分首先介绍了国内外港口物流园区发展的成功经验,之后重点分析了太仓港物流园区在系统功能和系统要素上存在的问题。

    The fourth part firstly introduces the successful experiences of development of Port Logistics Park at home and abroad . Later emphatically analyzes the existing problems in system function and in system elements of Taicang Port Logistics Park .