
  • 网络Larix chinensis;Larix chinensis Beissn
  1. 太白红杉3种不同材料总DNA的提取

    DNA extraction on three different materials of Larix chinensis

  2. 太白红杉种群生态及遗传结构研究

    Study on the ecology and genetic structure of Larix chinensis population

  3. 应用NMDS排序技术,分析了太白红杉林下草本植物生态种组的特点,探讨了各林分类型与环境因子的关系,从而为保护经营这一珍稀植物群落提供了科学依据。

    The ground-flora was analysed with NMDS ordination to understand the relationship between the stand types and environmental factors , which procided a scientific basis for conservation of this rare phytocommunity .

  4. 结果表明太白红杉的平均生殖年龄为78.59a,最小生殖年龄为26a,最大生殖年龄为208a;

    The result shows that the average reproduction age was 78.59 years , the minimum reproduction age was 26 years , and the maximum reproduction age was 208 years .

  5. 太白红杉单木胸径生长模型的研究

    Study on DBH Increment Model of Individual Trees Growing for Larix chinensis

  6. 林线树种太白红杉种子萌发的生理生态特性

    Eco-physiological characteristics of seed germination of Larix chinensis , a timberline tree

  7. 太白红杉群落的多元分析与环境解释

    Multivariate analysis and environmental interpretation for Larix chinensis communities

  8. 9月中旬,太白红杉的成熟胚形成,成熟胚具5~6枚子叶。

    The mature embryo with 5 ~ 6 cotyledons forms in middle September .

  9. 秦岭太白红杉群落种间关系的数量分析

    Numerical analysis of interspecific relationships in communities of Larix chinensis in Qinling Mountain

  10. 秦岭太白红杉群落特征及其物种多样性的研究

    The study on Larix chinensis community characteristics and species diversity in Mts Qinling

  11. 9月中旬,成熟胚形成,成熟胚具5~6枚子叶.太白红杉从雌球花花芽分化到胚胎成熟历时14个月。

    The mature embryo with 5 ~ 6 cotyledons appears in mid - September .

  12. 太白红杉林径级和龄级结构的研究

    Size-class and Age-class Structures of Larix chinensis Forests

  13. 秦岭太白山太白红杉种群结构研究

    A Study of Population Structure of Larix chinensis in Taibai Mountain , Qinling Range

  14. 太白红杉种群分布格局分形特征的研究

    Fractal dimension of distribution pattern of larix chinensis

  15. 太白红杉种群的生殖对策研究Ⅱ.生殖力和生殖值

    Studies on reproductive strategy of Larix chinensis ⅱ . The fecundity and reproductive value

  16. 太白红杉从花芽分化到胚胎成熟历时14个月。

    It takes 14 months from differentiation of female strobilus to formation of mature embryo .

  17. 太白红杉分枝格局特性的研究

    Studies on Branching Pattern of Larix Chinensis

  18. 林线的上升在植被方面表现为太白红杉对于山顶灌丛草甸的入侵。

    Lin showed rising line for the top of Larix invasion in shrub meadow vegetation areas .

  19. 濒危植物太白红杉种群年龄结构及其时间序列预测分析

    Age structure and time sequence prediction of populations of an endangered plant , Larix potaninii var. chinensis

  20. 研究了不同竞争类型和地形因子对太白红杉分枝格局的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of different competition types and different geomorphological factors were investigated .

  21. 结果表明,太白红杉种实性状在种群内和种群间均存在广泛的变异,除种子宽和种鳞宽的差异在种群间不显著外,其它11个性状在种群间差异均极显著;

    Except seed width and seed scale width , the other 11 characters were significantly different among populations .

  22. 太白红杉种子的重量(千粒重)随着个体年龄的增大逐渐增加,但南坡在60龄左右时又逐渐变轻;

    The seed weight became bigger with the increase of age but became smaller in the southern slope after 60 years old .

  23. 1太白红杉球花在前一年10月份开始分化,第二年春天开始生长,雌球花一般着生在2~4龄枝上,雄球花主要分布在2~6龄枝上。

    The female strobiles are located at the branch of 2-4 years old , and the male strobiles at the branches of 2-6 years old .

  24. 应用计盒维数方法比较研究了与太白红杉顶芽动态相关的不同分枝格局对空间占据能力的差异。

    Using box-counting dimension method , this paper investigated the spatial occupation ability of different branching patterns related to the fate of Larix chinensis apex buds .

  25. 太白红杉种群的生育力随着年龄的增大而增大,但到一定年龄后又呈下降趋势,南坡太白红杉在70龄左右时生育力开始降低,北坡太白红杉在90龄左右生育力下降;

    The fecundity increased with the age while declined at the age of 70 years in the southern slope and 90 years in the northern slope .

  26. 台江采育场竹木混交林丰产措施试验1.太白红杉纯林&混交林交错带中,混交林的物种多样性比纯林的高;

    Experiments on High-Yield Measures of the Mixed Forest of Bamboos and Trees on Taijiang Felling and Cultural Farm In the pure - mixed forest ecotone of I.

  27. 研究了太白红杉种群的年龄结构、生殖年龄结构、生殖力和生殖值,分析了太白红杉种群的生殖适合度和生殖对策。

    The age structure , reproductive age structure , fecundity and reproductive value of Larix chinensis were studied , the reproductive fitness and the reproductive strategy were analyzed in this paper .

  28. 通过主成分分析,对太白红杉林特征起决定作用的因子依次是:胸径>树高>年龄>胸高断面积>物种丰富度;

    The main factors which decided the characteristics of Larix Chinensis forests were analyzed , the order is DBH ﹥ tree height ﹥ age ﹥ Area at breast height ﹥ species abundance .

  29. 对影响太白红杉林分布的生态因子进行了排序,影响作用大小顺序为海拔>坡度>土壤厚度>坡向>风向;

    Ecological factors which have influence on the distribution of Larix Chinensis forests were arranged in an order . The order is altitude ﹥ slope gradient ﹥ soil thickness ﹥ exposure ﹥ wind direction .

  30. 结果发现:1处于不同竞争地位的太白红杉分枝格局有较大差异,主要是分枝率、枝长和枝间距变化明显;

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) There is a great architectural variation of Larix chinensis in different competition types , bifurcation ratios , branch length and interval between branch change significantly .