- Forest age;age of stand

According to their dispersed Iaw analysed statistically , the relationship of round sample plot and crown closure , and the structure between age of stand and factors of tree measuring have been shown .
For Shanghai urban plantation density is larger , the condition of forest decline phenomenon obviously , in order to analyze the density of urban plantation forest growth and forest stand structure , the influence of the different forest age of stand density effect .
The pH value was decrease with the increase of the stand ages . 6 .
The Relationship Between NDVI , Stand Age and Terrain Factors of Pinus elliottii
The average nutrient concentration in eucalyptus ( C ) decreased with tree age ( t ) increasing , and its decreasing rate related to fertilization levels ( Q ) .
When it is of 2 years , it begins to influence the temperature of the siol .
In the fourth chapter , the environmental-dependent non-linear forest age structure of forest development have been studied : Where β(? ) is effective forest renewal rate , and depend on total forest N ( t ) .
Both plantation transpiration rate ( Tr ) is positively correlated with PAR , Tr values of 4 years old Alnus are greater than 9 years old ones .
There was no obvious difference in Al-P , Fe-P and O-P between rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil .
Larix kaempferi seed orchard half sib-family contrast test-woodland was built according to the field design , which being studied after 10 years .
Additional , the high density of the pure stand and the disease also shorten the maturity period .
Top soil organic carbon ( SOC ), especially soil light fraction organic carbon ( LFOC ) well explained the variation of cumulative RS among the stands .
The peak Period of mortality for number of stems was 10 ~ 20 years stands , and for mortality rate tvas 3 . 3 ~ 4 . 5 years ;
With increasing age , the value of Bray-Curtis index between secondary forest and old-growth dark brown coniferous forest had an increasing trend .
Chemistry of litter and rain fall was monitored for three years ( 1994 ~ 1996 ) at two sites established in Chinese fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolata ) plantations with different stand ages and densities in Nanping , Fujian .
The biomass estimation parameters of Larix and Korean Pine have not obvious trend with stand age , while the BEF ^ BCEF and R of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolia decreases with the stand age increasing , and gradually stabilized .
In different stages of C. equisetifolia plantation development , the CEC , hydrolytic acidity and exchange Mg ~ ( 2 + ) in rhizosphere soil were more than those in non-rhizosphere soil , except for exchange Ca ~ ( 2 + ) in young C.
The 5-year study indicates that the optimal thinning treatment for 20 ~ 30-year-old natural birch stands is to maintain a stand density of 1 100 stems · hm - 2 and the pruning intensity should not exceed 1 / 2 tree height .
The results show that adoption of the quantitative regression way is feasible for establishing such models , and prediction precision of the models is higher , but it is suitable that growth data of the plantation to be fitted the regression models should be more than 4 years old .
Other data also shows the survival rate and increment of young tree in plantation by tending management are significantly higher than that without tending . Especially at 2.5a , the difference becomes more significant .
With stand age increasing , biomass of stand average tree and each organ increase . The annual growth speed of biomass is the biggest at 18 22 year for stand average tree , but the biggest at 12 18 year for the stand .
Structure of different age-class forest indicator : 0.495 , 0.046 ;
On Index Coefficient of Age-area Distribution Structure for Evenaged Pure Forest
Benefits of Different Age Forest Vegetation on Soil Fertilization and Amelioration
The last stage will be arrived after about 20 years .
Thus the index of control should increase with age increase .
We selected 6 research plots on the basis of habitat condition .
A Dynamics Equation of Age-Area Structure for Evenaged Pure Forest
Effect of Different Age Forests on Soil Fertility Quality of Degraded Ecosystems
Ion and Nutrient Status in Rhizospheres of Poplar Stands at Different Ages