
  • 网络Linder;lind;Lynd;Lynde
  1. 林德向BBC透露:“照片我本来只是想给朋友看的,但当我醒来时,照片已经被多人分享,我还收到了支持的信息。”

    Ms Linder told the BBC : " The picture was just for my friends but when I woke up it had been shared widely and I had many messages of support .

  2. 在林德女士的照的评论中,一位Facebook用户评论道:“我不认识你,但你值得赞美,谢谢你!”另一位则发表称:“谢谢你敢于展示出来。你是一个坚强的女人。”

    Responding to Ms Linder 's image one Facebook user commented : " I don 't know you , but you 're worth all the admiration . Thank you ! " Another posted : " Thank you for daring to show this . Strong tough woman . "

  3. 德国林德公司是一家专门从事环保设备生产的厂家,他们开发出的从含有H2S气体中回收硫的工艺十分先进,本文对此作了介绍。

    German Linde Co. is a special company producing environmental protection equipment , Its sulphur recovery from H2S containing Gas streams is very advanced .

  4. 林德LSC同步控制系统分析

    Analysis of Linde Synchronous Control System

  5. 林德首席执行官沃尔夫冈•比歇勒(WolfgangBüchele)想将Lincare作为进入中国的平台,但该公司首先要取得牌照才能在中国提供家庭护理服务。

    Wolfgang B ü chele , Linde chief executive , wants to use Lincare as a platform to enter China but first the company requires a licence to provide healthcare services in Chinese homes .

  6. 因此,德国工业气体和医疗气体公司林德(Linde),看到了这个世界人口最多的国家对医疗氧气和其他呼吸系统疾病治疗方法的巨大需求。

    Linde , the German industrial and medical gases company , therefore sees a huge need for oxygen and other respiratory therapies in the world 's most populous country .

  7. 比歇勒在取代沃尔夫冈•赖茨勒(WolfgangReitzle)成为林德的总经理时,强调没必要进行一场革命。

    When Mr B ü chele replaced Wolfgang Reitzleas Linde 's top manager , he emphasised that there was no need for a revolution .

  8. 但西门子表示,业务并未受到次级抵押贷款危机的影响。这一说法得到了林德(Linde)等其它工业集团的支持。林德是全球最大的工业气体集团。

    But Siemens said the subprime crisis was having no impact on its business , a line backed up by other industrial groups such as Linde , the world 's largest industrial gases group .

  9. 本文围绕MJT介绍了林德关于道德判断能力的理论,并借助中文版MJT尝试在中国进行了相关的研究。

    This dissertation introduces Lind 's theory of moral judgment ability about MJT , and with the Chinese version MJT some research was pushed into forward in China .

  10. 欧洲工业企业越来越担心信贷紧缩的影响,西门子(siemens)和林德(linde)等集团最近表示,它们认为欧洲将在未来6至12个月内,感受到信贷紧缩对实体经济的影响。

    There is growing concern among European industrial companies about the impact of the credit crunch , with groups such as Siemens and Linde recently saying they thought the impact on the real economy would be felt in Europe in the next six to 12 months .

  11. 主审法官林德上校(Col.DeniseLind)宣布判决结果时,曼宁身穿军装,面无表情的站在那里。这一判决意味着这名前情报分析员可能会在监狱中再呆上至少八年才可能被释放。

    Wearing his Army dress uniform , Pfc. Manning stood impassively as the presiding judge , Col. Denise Lind , delivered a sentence that means the former intelligence analyst will likely spend at least eight more years behind bars before he could be freed .

  12. 赖茨勒现在是豪瑞(Holcim)的董事长,他曾花费十年时间对一度笨重的林德集团进行彻底改革,出售了不需要的业务,将整个集团的业务集中在三块:工业气体、医疗以及工程。

    Mr Reitzle , now chairman of Holcim , spent a decade at Linde overhauling a once unwieldy conglomerate by selling unwanted businesses and focusing the group on three areas : industrial gases , medical equipment and plant engineering .

  13. 林德格列说,机场的交通没有受到影响。

    Lindgren said other traffic at the airport was not affected .

  14. 听了这话,林德的脸上现出一副苦笑。

    A wry smile spread over lynda 's face at this .

  15. 海鸥弗莱契•林德,你想飞行吗?

    Fletcher Lynd Seagull , do you want to fly ?

  16. 林德1500m~3/h空分装置操作体会

    Experience with the operation of Linde-made1500m ~ 3 / h air separation plant

  17. 2003年到2014年,林德的股价涨了3倍。

    Between 2003 and 2014 the share price quadrupled .

  18. 林德还大力投资氢气。

    The company is also investing heavily in hydrogen .

  19. 林德集团近期经营动向及技术进展

    Recent operation trends and technology development of Linde Group

  20. 林德手脚伸展着躺在火炉前面。

    Lynd stretched out in front of the fire .

  21. 她参与了总统肯尼迪和林德。约翰逊的葬礼。

    He took part in the funerals of presidents Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson .

  22. 珍妮。林德是一位出名的瑞典歌唱家。

    Jenny Lind is a famous Swedish singer .

  23. 当然,林德太太说的是对的。

    Mrs Lynde was right , of course .

  24. 林德太太难过地摇摇头。

    Mrs Lynde shook her head sadly . '

  25. 俱乐部确认门将安德斯。林德嘉德将在周日进行膝盖手术。

    The club have confirmed that goalkeeper Anders Lindegaard will undergo knee surgery on Thursday .

  26. 林德太太是我的好朋友,而且你对她太没礼貌了。

    Mrs Lynde is my friend , and you were very rude to her . '

  27. 她跑向林德太太。

    She ran up to Mrs Lynde .

  28. 林德&帮助您降低物料搬运成本

    Reduce your material handling cost with Linde

  29. 林德对于输钱,处之泰然。

    Lynde took his loss with equanimity .

  30. 大奖,林德(中国)也是这个奖项中唯一入选的叉车产品制造商。

    Linde ( China ) is the only forklift truck manufacturer who received this honor .