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tài yī
  • imperial physician
太医 [tài yī]
  • [imperial physician] 封建社会专为帝王和宫廷官员等服务的医生

  • 太医以王命聚之。--唐. 柳宗元《捕蛇者说》

太医[tài yī]
  1. 但此后太医局步履维艰,日趋没落。

    But then is declining .

  2. 虽然许多中国的皇帝不听从太医的劝告而夭折了;

    While many of China 's emperors did not heed the imperial doctor 's advice and aborted ;

  3. 政府兴办了太医局训练和培养合格的中医师。

    The goverment set up " the Imperial Medical Bureau " for training and bringing up qualified TCM workers .

  4. 其始,太医以王命聚之,岁赋其二。

    Since early times the court physician has ordered the people in the name of the emperor to hand in snakes twice a year .