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yì rén
  • Yi Ren;people of the same county/district
邑人 [yì rén]
  • [townspeople] 同邑的人

  • 率妻子邑人。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 邑人奇之。--宋. 王安石《伤仲永》?

  • 谒于邑人。

  • 邑人以为荣。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  1. 乾隆版《曲阜县志·类编·著述》,是汇集历代邑人著述的综合性书目,所收之书分类部居,并撰有部序、类序,指明授受源流。

    The Qianlong Edition of Qufu Annals is a comprehensive booklist in which the compilation of books were made in different dynasties .

  2. 天若要此文化流传于世,那匡邑的人又能把我怎么样?

    If heaven wants the culture to be preserved , what can the people in Kuang do to me ?
