
tài píng tiān guó
  • the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
太平天国 [tài píng tiān guó]
  • [the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom] 1851年在广西桂平县金田村爆发了由洪秀全、杨秀清、冯云山等人领导的农民起义,建立太平天国,1853年定都天京(今南京),势力发展到17个省,后为清政府和外国势力联合所败

太平天国[tài píng tiān guó]
  1. 太平天国运动是中国历史上一次伟大的农民起义。

    The TaiPing Heavenly Kingdom Movement was a great peasant uprising .

  2. 洪秀全禁烟主张与太平天国的禁烟立法

    Hong Xiu-quan and His Prohibition against Opium in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  3. 命题集F(S)基于相似关系定义的拓扑广东天地会起义与太平天国起义相似性新探

    The Topology Defined by Similarity Relation on Propositional Set ; Similarities between the Guangdong Heaven-Earth Society Revolt and the Taiping Revolt

  4. 洪秀全与太平天国后期的中央集权化

    HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  5. 太平天国时期的民俗变革

    The Reform of Folk Custom During the Period of Taiping Regime

  6. 太平天国战争后的广德县移民

    The Transmigrants of GuangDe after the War of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  7. 太平天国起义虽然失败了,其历史意义却是深远的。

    But the Heavenly Kingdom movement has its deep historical importance .

  8. 论太平天国所奉行的进步卫生措施及其价值

    Progressive Health Measures Pursued in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Their Value

  9. 论太平天国运动成败的关键

    On the Success and Failure of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 's Movement

  10. 太平天国起义特点浅析

    An analysis of the peasant uprising of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  11. 论太平天国政权性质的转变

    On the Shift of the Political Nature of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  12. 太平天国平等思想述要

    A Brief Discussion on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 's Equality Thought

  13. 从我看来,太平天国运动具有极大的破坏性。

    For my side , the Taiping was the most destructive .

  14. 广东天地会起义与太平天国起义相似性新探

    Similarities between the Guangdong Heaven-Earth Society Revolt and the Taiping Revolt

  15. 尽管太平天国的妇女政策仍然是封建妇女政策。

    A feudal policy is adopted in the Taiping Kingdom .

  16. 太平天国刑法思想与刑法制度

    The Criminal Legislative Thought and Criminal Legal System of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  17. 太平天国外交政策的实质及其作用初探

    On the Essence Effect of the Diplomatic Policy of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  18. 太平天国妇女参军作战新论

    New Theory on Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Women Joining the Army

  19. 太平天国政治的文化继承

    The Cultural Inheritance in the Politics of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Culture

  20. 太平天国军事法制建设探析

    A Probe into the Military Legal System of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  21. 太平天国与中国军事经济的近代化

    The Taiping Revolution and the modernization of Chinese military economy

  22. 太平天国历法研究述评

    Review on the Calendar Research of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  23. 太平天国常熟县农村政治研究

    An Analysis of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 's Rural Politics in Changshu County

  24. 2008年国内太平天国相关问题研究综述

    A Summary of the Study in 2008 on Taiping Rebellion

  25. 试论太平天国革命对近代江西农村社会的影响

    The Influence of Taiping Rebellion on Modern jiangxi Rural Society

  26. 结论部分中,分析了太平天国时期浙江绅士的特点。

    The characteristics of Zhejiang Esquires are analyzed in the conclusion part .

  27. 太平天国革命与孙中山对社会主义的探索

    The Taiping Revolution and SUN Yat-sen 's Probe into Socialism

  28. 论太平天国前期的美国对华政策

    American Policy on China during the Prior Period of Taiping Uprising Revolution

  29. 太平天国的官制是太平天国社会结构的制度体现。

    Taiping 's official system embodied social structure of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom .

  30. 太平天国起义起源于广西。

    Rebellion took its rise in the province of Guangxi .