
  • 网络Space elevator
  1. 科幻小说作家亚瑟·C·克拉克在20世纪70年代就提过建造太空电梯。

    Well , the science fiction writer Arthur C.Clarke talked about building a space elevator back in the 1970s .

  2. 这款眼镜由网络搜索巨头谷歌公司的秘密机构谷歌X实验室开发数年,该实验室研制出了自动驾驶汽车,还有望研制出太空电梯。

    In development for a couple of years , the project is the brainchild of Google X , the online search-leader 's secret facility that spawned the self-driving car and could one day send elevators into space .

  3. 第一个方法就是“太空电梯”设想,它是科幻作家的最爱。

    The first approach is the " space elevator " concept , a favorite of science fiction authors .

  4. 谷歌公司在创办初期,曾对员工做过关于制造所谓的“太空电梯”的讲座。理论上,这种装置能以低于火箭的成本,把物体从地球发射出去。

    Early in the company 's history it offered employee lectures on building so-called space elevators that could theoretically launch objects off Earth more cheaply than rockets could .

  5. 这几十年来一直有人提议使用极长的旋转绳索来将货物搬入或搬出重力阱——就像自由飘浮的太空电梯一样。

    There have been various proposals over the years to use long , whirling tethers to move cargo in and out of gravity wells-a sort of free-floating space elevator .

  6. 2014年,日本建筑业巨头,大林告诉宣布将构造一架太空电梯,并将此项目运行到2050年。

    In 2014 , a Japanese construction giant , the Obayashi Corporation , announced it had the means to construct a space elevator and will have it up and running by the year 2050 .

  7. 不管你是用火箭或者大炮,还是用太空电梯或者梯子,把一个65千克重的人搬运出地球的引力范围至少需要这么多能量。

    No matter how we do it , whether we use rockets or a cannon or a space elevator or a ladder , moving a 65-kilogram person-or 65 kilograms of anything-out of the Earth 's gravity well requires at least this much energy .

  8. 同样地,想像一位女士身在一个没有任何引力的外太空中的电梯中,电梯在做加速度向上运动。

    On the other hand , imagine a woman in a closed chamber who is accelerating upward in outer space , far from any gravity .

  9. 未来十年,太空探索技术公司等商业运载机构有望制造出更便宜的火箭,每次发射花费或限于9000万美元。并且,在遥远的未来,太空电梯也有可能实现。

    In the coming decade , commercial operations like SpaceX hope to make cheaper rockets - closer to $ 90m per launch - and in the far future , space elevators might be an option too .