
  1. 从成熟,到稚嫩太真了,太迟了。

    From ripe , to green Too real , too late .

  2. 京晶:噢,差点被你骗了,这玩意看上去也太真了吧!

    Oh , you could have fooled me . It looked so real .

  3. 中有一人字太真,雪肤花貌参差是。

    Inside there is too true one person word , snow white skin beauty .

  4. 这部电影中的主角不太可能真的存在。

    The leading character in the film wasn 't very believable .

  5. 这个梦太象真的了。

    This dream is too real .

  6. 问题在于,这个安检小队不太可能真的获得这50美元。

    The problem is that the security team is unlikely actually to receive the $ 50 .

  7. 汤姆:她不太可能真的脱胎换骨,洗心革面。牛牵到北京还是牛啊。

    Tom : It 's unlikely that she has really changed . A monkey in silk is a monkey no less .

  8. 老妈认为Tanya和Drew表现太好不像真的

    My mother thought Tanya and Drew 's behavior was too good to be true .

  9. 喝太多水真的有危害吗?

    Is it true that drinking too much water is dangerous ?

  10. 这太可怕了真替你难受

    It must have been awful . I 'm sorry .

  11. 哦你们真是太好了真的

    Oh , please . You 're too kind , really

  12. 她脸上的化妆太浓,真使人倒胃口。

    She wears too much make-up that turns people off .

  13. 她身体太虚弱,真的一天差似一天了吗?

    Is she too weak , is she really failing ?

  14. 太可爱了真的吗千真万确还是彩针甜甜圈呢

    Nice , nice . is she really ? Yeah , sprinkle donut .

  15. 我要变成甜甜圈太棒了真的太棒了

    I wanna be the donut . That 's amazing , that 's amazing .

  16. 那幅画翻印得太小,真是丢脸。

    The painting was reproduced humiliatingly small .

  17. 虽然论坛恢复了,但最近都是不太稳定!真是无奈!

    Though our forum is back to normal , it seems not to be stable recently !

  18. 太过投入真的很愚蠢。

    Too much devotion is stupidity .

  19. 他这个人太懒惰,真想在他屁股上踢一脚。

    He is so lazy ; he could do with a good kick up the rear .

  20. 好行太棒了真不敢相信你们居然这么自私

    Ok . Fine . Perfect . I can 't believe how selfish you all are .

  21. 永远别说得太细像真高兴见到你永远不要这么说

    You never say something specific like nice to meet you , Don 't ever do that ,

  22. 你看,那不太好,真的不太好。

    Well , now , you see , that 's bad . that 's really , really bad .

  23. 你们的性格相差太大,真的是不太合适的组合。

    This is really not a suitable union . You are far too different to ever exist together .

  24. 是不是很酷好真实这个节目太不可思议了真是不可思议

    How cool was that ? So real . How crazy the show.How crazy the show it is .

  25. 太厉害了真不敢相信你竟然要我跳舞了你看到他的臀部动作了吗

    That was amazing . I can 't believe you just did that to me.So you see the hips ?

  26. 我的英语成绩不是太好,真遗憾不能与您面对面沟通。

    My English is not very good , it is a pity that cannot communicate with you face to face .

  27. 人们不太知道他的真姓大名,都管他叫老沙头,大概是由于他长期生活在沙坨里才这样称呼他的吧。

    Unsure of his real name , people began to call him Old Sandy Man from his long tenure in the sand dunes .

  28. 答:我的床边堆了很多书,我都不太确定我真的有个床头柜在那儿。

    I have so many books stacked beside my bed that I can 't be absolutely sure that there is actually a night stand in there .

  29. 太奇怪了真不敢相信有这种事他发作的时候能做些什么呢他和别人说话了

    It 's so strange . I can 't even believe it happened . How functional could he be during one of these episodes ? I mean , he talked to someone .

  30. 好,那我们今天不会谈论什么呢?我们不会谈论癌症,因为我谈得太多,真的没有兴趣了。

    All right , so what we 're not talking about today , we are not talking about cancer , because I spent a lot of time talking about that and I 'm really not interested .