
  • 网络Lockout;QMV;lock-out
  1. 本次(“白骑士2号”)的公开亮相成为自2004年鲁丹设计的“太空一号”成为第一艘进入太空的私营载人火箭之后(在太空旅游领域)取得的又一次具体进展。

    The public showing was the first concrete evidence of progress since the Rutan-designed SpaceShipOne became the first private , manned rocket to reach space in2004 .

  2. “环球飞行者”号是Scaled联合公司去年生产的,这家公司还设计开发了世界上第一艘民用载人飞船“太空飞船一号”。

    GlobalFlyer was built by Scaled Composites , the same firm that designed and launched the world 's first civilian manned spacecraft , SpaceShipOne , last year .

  3. 再之后,微软公司的联合创始人保罗?艾伦投资研发了伯特?鲁坦设计的“太空飞船一号”。这是第一架私人研发的载人航天器。

    More recently , Paul Allen , the Microsoft co-founder , funded development of the Burt Rutan-designed SpaceShipOne , the first privately developed manned spacecraft .

  4. “太空飞船一号”由一架特制的双机身喷气飞机悬挂在机身中间,将其载入高空并发射。2004年,“太空飞船一号”经过3次亚轨道飞行进入太空。

    Suspended between the twin-fuselages of a special jet , SpaceShipOne was carried to high altitude and released . It reached space on three suborbital flights in 2004 .

  5. 据报道,神舟八号飞船将在太空与天宫一号实现两次对接。

    Shenzhou VIII will dock with Tiangong I twice in the outer space , as is reported .

  6. 中国准备发射首个太空实验室‘天宫一号’。

    China isdue to launch its first space laboratory , Tiangong-1 .

  7. 8位中国志愿者将于明年入驻模拟太空舱“月宫一号”一整年的时间,以推动中国航空探测技术的发展,帮助中国科学家了解中长期在月球上生存的必备条件。

    Eight Chinese volunteers will live in " Yuegong-1 , " a simulated space " cabin " in Beijing for the next year , strengthening China 's knowledge and technical know-how , and helping the country 's scientists understand exactly what will be required for humans to remain on the moon in the medium and long terms .