
tài kōnɡ màn bù
  • Spacewalk;space walk
  1. 那次“太空漫步”后就很少看到你。

    So , um * Haven 't seen much of you since your space walk .

  2. 太空漫步,宇航员,宇宙飞船,浮动,呼吸,宇航服,太空垃圾。

    Space walk , astronaut , spaceship , float , breathe , spacesuit , space junk .

  3. Ustream.tv本来是以传播从动物园动物产子到太空漫步等各类视频而出名,但网站发言人乔伦·费勒说(JoellenFerrer)说,光去年一年,其婚礼视频的数量就增长了250%。

    Ustream.tv is well-known for streaming everything from zoo-animal births to space walks , but in the past year alone it 's seen a 250 % rise in wedding streams , says spokeswoman Joellen Ferrer . '

  4. 下午,张博士在太空漫步。

    In the afternoon , Dr Zhang walks in space .

  5. 他是在太空漫步的第一个人。

    He was the first man to walk in space .

  6. 他的音乐,他的录像,他的舞步和太空漫步。

    His music , his videos . His dance moves and moonwalking .

  7. 三名宇航员首次在在发现号航天飞机仓外完成了太空漫步。

    The first of three spacewalks for astronauts aboard space shuttle Discovery is complete .

  8. 这一太空漫步将大约进行40分钟。

    Zhai is expected to conduct a40-minute spacewalk .

  9. 真实的储瓶转换将发生在第二次太空漫步期间,也就是说在星期天。

    The actual swap-out of tanks will take place during the second spacewalk , which is on Sunday .

  10. 太空漫步很危险,所以宇航员会组队进行,就算这样也要通过绳索与宇宙飞船相连,以保证安全。

    Conducting spacewalks is dangerous , and astronauts work in pairs , tethered to the spacecraft for safety .

  11. 奋进号上的两名宇航员将进行三次太空漫步,其中大部分是为了安装宁静号。

    Two astronauts aboard Endeavour are set to conduct three space walks that will largely be devoted to installing Tranquility .

  12. 他的灵感来源于1968年斯坦利·库布里克拍摄的著名科幻电影《2001:太空漫步》。

    Among his inspirations for the project is the 1968 Stanley Kubrick sci-fi classic " 2001 : A Space Odyssey . "

  13. 抵达空间站之后,机组人员将向空间站输送一些新的组件,进行几次太空漫步。

    When they get there , they 'll deliver some new components to the station , and they 'll do a few spacewalks .

  14. 在未来,美国宇航局会继续进行国际空间站的维护和建造,而太空漫步也将在其中发挥关键性作用。

    As NASA moves forward on the maintenance and construction of the International Space Station , spacewalks will continue to be vital to the process .

  15. 有消息说,最有可能进行中国航天首次太空漫步的是曾经2次入选神舟计划的航天员翟志刚。

    Zhai Zhigang , a reserve for the Shenzhou V and VI missions , is poised to become China 's first spacewalker , reports have said .

  16. 作为2014年索契冬奥会火炬传递的一部分,两名俄罗斯宇航员于周六首次携带奥运会火炬进行太空漫步。

    Two Russian cosmonauts took an Olympic torch on a spacewalk Saturday for the first time in history as part of the Sochi 2014 torch relay .

  17. 大约有数千枚碎片围绕轨道运动,可能是老旧的卫星,火箭,甚至过去进行太空漫步的宇航员遗落的工具。

    There are thousands of pieces of debris floating around in orbit , bits of old satellite or rocket even tools dropped in the past by space-walking astronauts .

  18. 在完成近三天的轨道飞行和首次国家的太空漫步,三名中国宇航员于星期天下午成功返回地球。

    Three Chinese astronauts returned safely to earth in their space capsule late Sunday afternoon after spending nearly three days in low orbit and completing the nation 's first spacewalk .

  19. 在取得了国内生产总值9%的增长率,成功举办了奥运会,执行首次太空漫步后,你可能会认为中国会很高兴。

    AFTER achieving a9 percent GDP growth , hosting a successful Olympic Games and carrying out its first space walk last year , you ' 'd think China would be happy .

  20. 美国宇航局推出了一款新型月球车,旨在让宇航员在2020年重返月球时能够不穿着笨重的宇航服就可以在太空漫步很远的距离。

    NASA unveiled a new lunar rover which aims to transform space exploration by allowing astronauts to roam large distances without cumbersome spacesuits when they return to the moon by 2020 .

  21. 虽然舱外的短途活动只是为了测验人类是否能在宇宙飞船外活动,但太空漫步已经成为航天飞机时代一个相对常见的任务之一。

    Although these excursions were meant to test the feasibility of humans to exist outside the spacecrafts , spacewalks have become a relatively common part of missions in the space shuttle era .

  22. 芬尼并非惟一渴望成为航天员的人,但是和其他数百万梦想在太空漫步的孩子不同,芬尼真的正在为此努力。

    Feeny was hardly alone in his aspirations to become an astronaut but , unlike the millions of kids who dream of walking in space , Feeny is actually doing something about it .

  23. 在接受新华社采访时表示,将3人送到距地球341公里的高空,还让其中一人进行太空漫步,这将是对中国航天技术的一大考验。

    Zhang Jianqi , one of the chief engineers , told Xinhua that keeping three men aloft and sending one on a space walk341km above the earth would be a " big test " for the country 's aerospace skills .

  24. 正是通过太空漫步,宇航员才得以执行一些关键性任务,而这些任务是在舱内做不到的,比如保养环绕轨道飞行的卫星,替换哈勃望远镜上的太阳电池板。

    On spacewalks , astronauts have performed vital tasks that could not be accomplished from inside the shuttle . They 've been able to recover lost satellites , restoring them to their proper orbit . They have serviced orbiting bodies , like replacing the solar panels on the Hubble Space Telescope .

  25. 他是第一个在太空外漫步的人。

    He was the first man to walk in outer space .

  26. 穿着太空服漫步并不像看起来那样简单。

    Walking in these spacesuits is not as easy as it seems .

  27. 他们凝视着太空,独自漫步。

    They stare off into space and wander by themselves .

  28. 航天员将乘坐神舟七号飞往太空,其中一名航天员将在舱外表演“太空漫步”。

    The astronauts will pilot spacecraft Shenzhou-7 to carry out the mission during which one of them will spacewalk outside the capsule .

  29. 中国尤其已经在太空探测上取得领先,太空人跨出太空舱,并且实行了太空漫步。

    In particular , China has been forging ahead in space exploration , putting astronauts in space and carrying out its first spacewalk .

  30. 当命运号衔接太空站期间,太空梭花了七天的时间靠泊太空站,并且执行了三次太空漫步以完成命运号的衔组。

    The Shuttle spent seven days docked to the station while Destiny was attached and three spacewalks were conducted to complete its assembly .