
  • 网络mountain;Sun Mountain
  1. 该滑雪度假区位于中国最北端黑龙江省的亚布力太阳山上,该地是长白山山脉的一部分。

    The ski resort , built on Yabuli Sun Mountain , part of the Changbai Mountain Range , is located in China ` s northernmost province , Heilongjiang .

  2. 太阳落山时我们在草坪上留下长长的影子。

    As the sun went down we cast long shadows on the lawn .

  3. 太阳压山了。

    The setting sun was touching the hilltop .

  4. 当太阳落山时,空气变得凉爽起来。

    As the sun fell behind the mountains , the air grew colder .

  5. 太阳落山了。

    The sun has set .

  6. 每当太阳落山、夜幕降临的时候,我父亲就会和我一起爬到家附近的山上去。

    Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up , my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house .

  7. 当太阳落山时,色彩变得柔和了。

    The colours become mellow as the sun went down .

  8. 电影的开始是一个梦幻般的太阳落山的镜头。

    The film opens with a dreamy shot of a sunset .

  9. 他直到太阳落山以后才回来。

    He didn 't come back until the sun had set .

  10. 太阳落山回家,小朋友也在回家的路上。

    The sun accompanies the kid on the way back home .

  11. 一旦太阳落山,影子也就不存在了。

    If the sun went out , the shadow would die .

  12. 我最爱看太阳落山时的景象。

    I love to see the sun when the picture .

  13. 当太阳落山时,他将石头整齐地码放在屋子旁边。

    At sunset , he stacked the stones neatly by the house .

  14. 它们都在等太阳落山。

    They were waiting for the sun to go down .

  15. 太阳落山时他回到家。

    He came home at the set of the sun .

  16. 太阳落山了,我们回家去。

    The sun is setting , let 's go home .

  17. 太阳落山时,我们就回了家。

    The sun was sinking as we turned for home .

  18. 在太阳落山时,你在哪里?

    And where are you when the sun go down ?

  19. 我们观看了太阳落山。

    We watched the sun sink behind the hills .

  20. 指挥官交给士兵一项任务要在太阳落山之前完成。

    The commander assigned his men a task to be accomplished before sundown .

  21. 太阳落山了,金表还是渺无踪迹。

    When the sun set , the gold watch was not found yet .

  22. 我们得赶快在太阳落山之前把所有东西转移出海滩。

    We need to get all this stuff off the beach before nightfall .

  23. 我们坐在门廊里,看着太阳落山。

    All we do is sit on the porch and watch the sunset .

  24. 随着太阳落山,太阳渐渐地由蓝色变成粉红色。

    As the sun set , the sky shaded from blue to pink .

  25. 天黑了因为太阳落山了。

    It got dark because the sun went down .

  26. 看太阳落山真是美极了。

    It 's great to watch the sun set .

  27. 太阳落山时,我们的船在丰都靠岸。

    As the sun set we docked at Fengdu .

  28. 也许不会活着看到今天的太阳落山。

    Will not live to see the sun set over these mountains today .

  29. 蜘蛛继续工作着,太阳落山了。

    The spider worked , and the sun fell .

  30. 在第三天太阳落山之前。

    Before the sun sets on the third day .