
  • 网络solar nebula
  1. 富Ca、Al包体(CAI)是太阳星云最早期各种热事件的产物,保存了大量原始星云的信息,是研究星云形成和演化的探针,它们主要出现在碳质球粒陨石中。

    Ca - , Al-rich inclusions ( CAIs ) are the earliest assemblages of the solar nebula , and they contain information of early solar nebula . They are the probe of studying the origin and evolvement of early solar nebula , and are mainly found in carbonaceous chondrites .

  2. 太阳星云同位素组成均一化

    Homogenization of the isotopic composition in the solar nebula

  3. 原始球粒陨石中富钙-铝包体和球粒的形成年龄,可作为早期太阳星云演化的时标;

    Formation ages of Ca-Al-rich inclusions and chondrules may speculate the time-scale of evolution of the early solar nebula .

  4. 早期太阳星云演化历史的指示剂&不同类型陨石母体的吸积和形成过程

    Indicator of evolution history of early solar nebula & accretion and formation process of different type of meteorite parent body

  5. 南极陨石研究的启示Ι:早期太阳星云连续化学分馏作用的岩石化学证据

    Inspiration from study of Antarctic meteorites I : petrologic and compositional evidences for early continuous chemical fractionation of the solar nebula

  6. 推测陨石基质与暗色边物质来源于太阳星云不同区域。

    It is deduced that the meteorite matrix and the dark rim came from different source material regions of the solar nebula .

  7. 类地行星挥发性元素普遍亏损很可能是由于太阳星云早期剧烈的太阳活动引起的。

    The common depletion of volatile elements in terrestrial planets was probably caused by the early violent activities of the inner solar nebula .

  8. 新的和独特陨石类型的研究以及月球和火星陨石的研究有利于探索和了解早期太阳星云的连续化学分馏作用及月壳和火星表面的平均化学组成及其横向变化。

    The study on new and unique meteorite types are useful for understanding continuous chemical fractionation of early solar nebula and horizonal variation of lunar crust and Martian surface .

  9. 不同类型碳质球粒陨石基质的结构和成分存在显著差异,同时单个陨石基质的成分分布也极不均匀,这表明早期太阳星云的成分是不均一的。

    The significant differences of structure and composition in the different carbonaceous chondrite matrix and even the heterogeneous chemical composition in a single meteorite matrix suggest that the early solar nebula is highly heterogeneous in composition .

  10. 建立类地行星区太阳星云凝聚过程的岩石学模型,对于合理解释陨石、地球和类地行星的成因关系,探讨地球起源和估算地球的整体成分都有着重要意义。

    In order to reasonably explain the origin relation between meteorites , Earth and terrestrial planets , to discuss the Earth 's source and estimate earth 's bulk composition , it is necessary to set up a Petrological model for condensation process of solar nebula in terrestrial planet region .

  11. 尽管如此,对其他同位素的观察表明,太阳系星云形成时确有一次超新星爆发。

    Nevertheless , other isotopes suggest a supernova did go off just as the solar nebula was forming .

  12. 似乎至少有几十颗或许有几百颗红巨星和超新星有份参与了元始太阳系星云的形成。

    Dozens , if not hundreds , of red giants and supernovas seem to have contributed to the primitive solar nebula .

  13. 研究这些恒星的化学组成有助于科学家了解组成我们地球和其他行星的物质,很久以前是怎样离开恒星的诞生地(到达我们太阳原始星云)的。

    Studying the chemistry of the stars helps scientists learn how the matter that makes up our earth and other planets in our galaxy left its stellar birth places long ago .

  14. 迄今为止人类对宇宙的探索表明太阳不过是星云中极为普通的一颗燃烧着的恒星。

    The men who have learned as much as we know about the universe point out that the sun is an insignificant , moderately hot star in a nebula where it is fixed .

  15. (天文学)关于太阳系起源的星云假说。

    ( astronomy ) the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system .

  16. 太阳系是星际碎片太阳星云中的大团旋转云演变而生的。

    Our solar system arose from a large , rotating cloud of interstellar debris called the solar nebula .

  17. 通过对陨石的研究,说明太阳系的形成与演化历史,包括太阳星云的凝聚过程、高温加热熔融事件和低温蚀变过程,陨石母体的热变质作用、熔融分异作用以及冲击变质作用等。

    Based on the studies of meteorites , the authors introduce the formation and evolution of the solar system , including condensation , heating and alteration in the solar nebula , thermal metamorphism , igneous fractionation and shock metamorphism in parent bodies of meteorites .