
tài kōnɡ shí dài
  • Age of Aquarius;space age
  1. 换言之,太空时代即将结束。

    It is likely that the Space Age is over .

  2. 这样看来,太空时代已经有了相当的成功。

    And viewed this way , the Space Age has been a roaring success .

  3. 上海徐家汇的机器人魔力餐厅(RobotMagicRestaurant)给人以一种太空时代迷你高尔夫的氛围。

    One in Shanghai 's Xujiahui district , Robot Magic Restaurant , cultivates a space-age , mini-golf ambience .

  4. 有一个太空时代的应变l的设计,有时给他一点太远。

    There 's a space-age strain to Lim 's designs that sometimes sends him a little far afield .

  5. 前面拍了一张自拍——这是工业设计师马可·纽森(MarcNewson)设计的一款太空时代感的铝制躺椅。

    Mr. Brosnan snapped a selfie in front of a work he admired : the " Lockheed Lounge " a space-age aluminum chaise longue by the industrial designer Marc Newson .

  6. 随著火箭的出现,太空时代开始了。

    With the advent of the rockets , the space AAG began .

  7. 太空时代的需要&新型能源

    A New type Energy Demanded by the ERA of Space

  8. 我们不能用过时的作法来处理太空时代的问题。

    We cannot apply horse-and-buggy approaches to space-age problems .

  9. 其它更为太空时代且更为昂贵的措施,包括在太空中架设巨大的遮阳板。

    Other more space-age and costly solutions include erecting a giant sunscreen in space .

  10. 我们生活在太空时代。

    We live in the Space Age .

  11. 我们汽车的外形看起来像太空时代的飞行器吗?

    Will the profile of our automobiles look like the shape of space age aircraft ?

  12. 容易通过英特网传播,符合现代计算机时代和太空时代的到来。

    Easy apply with Internet and easy access to meet modern computer and space time .

  13. 然而,金大中表示,此次发射是朝鲜进入太空时代的序曲。

    But Mr Kim can claim to have brought North Korea into the space age .

  14. 换句话说,太空时代回归到曾经孕育了太空时代的地球。

    The space age , in other words , came home to roost on earth .

  15. 太空时代将如何发生?

    How will the Aquarian Age manifest ?

  16. 他预言了太空时代的到来,在人类还没有学会飞之前。

    He had been prophesying the space age before man had even learned to fly .

  17. 太空时代的结束

    The end of the Space Age

  18. 等离子体光谱仪的仪器概念为“法拉第筒”式设计,该设计可以追溯到太空时代之初。

    The instrument concept for the Plasma the'Faraday cup'design dates from the beginning of the space age .

  19. 今天的宇航员看起来更象是他们在太空时代初期的那些美国人。

    Today 's astronauts look more like America than they did at the dawn of the space era .

  20. 泡泡梦城堡在太空时代的泡泡梦城堡在法国南部靠近戛纳,开始于1975年安蒂洛沃格。

    The space-age Bubble Dream Castle in southern France , near Cannes , was begun in1975 by Antti Lovag .

  21. 随着太空时代的到来,深空探测日益成为人类的重大战略任务。

    As the coming of Space Age , the exploration of deep space is becoming a great Human strategic mission .

  22. 史波尼克:苏联发射的一系列人造地球卫星,标志着太空时代的开始。

    Sputnik : Any of a series of Earth-orbiting spacecraft whose launching by the Soviet Union inaugurated the space age .

  23. 它有令人流连忘返的博物馆、建筑珍品、露天商场,也有太空时代的工厂和世界顶级的购物商场。

    It has terrific museums , architectural treasures , and open-air shopping as well as space-age factories and world-class markets .

  24. 来自于黑眼豆豆合唱团的菲姬(点此听歌)将身着黑色“太空时代礼服”,为观众们献上热歌几曲。

    Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas'was wearing a black space age suit as they sung a number of hits .

  25. 追溯到六十年代,当时正值登上月球,经济学人效仿‘太空时代导航术语’。

    Back in the1960s , when we landed on the moon , economists emulated the terminology of Space Age navigation .

  26. 这款游戏的音效也很棒:武器的爆炸和飞船的引擎很好地贴合了游戏的太空时代风格。

    The game sounds great : the blast from the weapons and engines from the ships fit the space-age game well .

  27. “最佳科学网站”可在一个洞穴中找到,虚拟探险家可以回到太空时代遨游。

    A WebE for the Best Science Website can be found in a cave where cyber explorers travel back in space-time .

  28. 1910年5月,全美国人民都笼罩在一片对哈雷彗星的恐慌之下,如处于太空时代般躁动不安。

    And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of turmoil over Halley 's Comet .

  29. 这两个想法其实真的是严肃的——即使有点太野心勃勃——发射计划,而且自从太空时代开启以来,人们就一直在琢磨怎么付诸实践。

    These are actually serious-if audacious-ideas for launch systems , both of which have been bouncing around since the start of the Space Age .

  30. 问题在于,诗意或是不诗意的暂且搁置一边,技术并不能最终满足太空时代的人们不断增长的征服宇宙的梦想。

    The trouble is that , poetics aside , technology could not ultimately fulfil the space age 's air ? whipped fantasies of cosmic conquest .