
  • 网络Solar power generation system;Solar Power System;solar system;SEGS;SSPS
  1. 但是太阳能发电系统普遍存在着太阳能光线吸收效率低、同等外界条件下光伏电池发电效率不能达到最大等问题,造成了太阳能资源以及太阳能发电设备的浪费。

    But the general solar system exists the low efficiency of solar light absorption and solar cell power in the same external environment , and the two problems results the waste of the solar resource and the solar power device .

  2. 最后,通过天津地区的太阳能发电系统的效率分析,验证本课题设计并建立的太阳能发电系统的发电效率。

    Finally , through the Tianjin area of solar power system efficiency analysis , verify this topic design and build solar power system of power efficiency .

  3. 据美国能源信息署(EnergyInformationAdministration)透露,大约12%的夏威夷住户装有屋顶太阳能发电系统,这是到目前为止美国太阳能系统安装比率最高的地区,远超其他州。

    Rooftop systems now sit atop roughly 12 percent of Hawaii 's homes , according to the federal Energy Information Administration , by far the highest proportion in the nation .

  4. 这项名为“伊凡帕太阳能发电系统”(IvanpahSolarElectricGeneratingSystem)的项目将于2013年竣工,届时将成为全球最大的太阳能项目。

    The project , the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System , when completed in2013 will supposedly be the largest solar project in the world .

  5. 另一项研究显示,聚焦式太阳能发电系统(即使用太阳的能量来加热液体,以驱动涡轮机,简称CSP)能够满足“目前相当大一部分能源需求。”

    The other indicates that concentrating solar power , which uses the sun 's energy to heat up a liquid that drives a turbine , could supply " a substantial amount of current energy demand . "

  6. 为能向220VAC的电器提供电能,需要将太阳能发电系统所发出的直流电能转换成交流电能,因此需要使用DC-AC逆变器。

    To be able to provide220VAC electrical power , solar power generation system needs to be issued by the exchange of DC can be converted into electrical energy , so need to use the DC-AC inverter .

  7. 分析了太阳能发电系统中的太阳能电池控制器的存在的问题,结合太阳能电池的特性,根据DC-DC电压转换电路的工作原理,重新设计了太阳能电池控制器的硬件电路。

    Analyzed the existent problems of the existing solar battery controller in the solar power generation system . Combined the characteristics of solar battery , and based on the working principle of the DC-DC converter circuit , redesigned the hardware circuit of the solar battery controller .

  8. 针对目前太阳能发电系统效率低、铅酸蓄电池使用寿命短等问题,利用微控制器MC9S08QG8设计一种太阳能控制器。

    In view of the low efficiency of solar photovoltaic system , short service life of the lead-acid battery and other issues , designed a solar controller using microcontroller MC9S08QG8 .

  9. 热管式吸热/蓄热器在太阳能发电系统中的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Heat Pipe Receiver for Solar Dynamic System

  10. 双轴跟踪装置对太阳能发电系统增效的理论研究

    Theoretic Study of Efficiency Increment of Two-axis Tracker for Solar Energy Generator

  11. 定日镜是塔式太阳能发电系统的重要组成部分。

    Heliostat plays an important part in the tower solar power system .

  12. 光伏并网发电系统的研究已成为太阳能发电系统研究的主流。

    Grid-connected PV generation system has been mainstream in researching solar generation system .

  13. 太阳能发电系统的最佳化设计太阳能异步发电系统的研究

    Study of Solar Energy Generating System with Induction Machines

  14. 地域并网式太阳能发电系统的研究

    Study of Local Grid Style Solar Electric Generation System

  15. 新的地域并网式太阳能发电系统的电力经济分析与设计

    The cost analysis and design of new grid-connected PV system in the community area

  16. 太阳能发电系统的核心是一组光伏逆变器。

    The core of a solar power system is a group of photovoltaic inverter .

  17. 建立了太阳能发电系统各部分的仿真模型并仿真。

    The models of solar PV system are also built based on MATALB / SIMULINK .

  18. 博鳌亚洲论坛会展中心太阳能发电系统

    Solar power generating system for the Congress and Exhibition Center of Boao Forum of Asia

  19. 太阳能发电系统由太阳能电池组、太阳能控制器、蓄电池(组)组成。

    Solar power system consists of solar batteries , solar controller , battery ( group ) composition .

  20. 为了保证供电的可靠性,太阳能发电系统的控制策略非常重要。

    In order to ensure the reliability of power supply , solar power system control strategy is very important .

  21. 本文设计了一种混合应用的太阳能发电系统,即太阳能并网离网混合发电系统。

    This article system elaborated a hybrid application of solar photovoltaic power generation system , Stand-alone Hybrid blending photovoltaic system .

  22. 克里斯威尔说:月球太阳能发电系统可能是21世纪为一个蓬勃发展的世界提供电能的惟一选择。

    " LSP is probably the only option for powering a prosperous world within the 21st century ," says Criswell .

  23. 太阳能发电系统将可生产50千瓦的电力,为万佛城用电量的七分之一。

    The solar power generating system can output power up to50KW , which is one-seventh of the electricity consumption in CTTB .

  24. 故如何科学合理地进行风电系统及太阳能发电系统的建模及并网过程分析与仿真是备受关注的研究课题。

    Scientifically modeling of wind and solar power system has received much concern , as well as analysis and simulation of grid-connection .

  25. 近年来,随着对可再生能源需求的提高,光伏太阳能发电系统也得到迅速的发展。

    In recent years , with the improvement of the demand for renewable energy , photovoltaic power system has been developed rapidly .

  26. 日本的政府补贴和强人关税的正在帮助促进了该国的太阳能发电系统的需求。

    Japan 's government subsidies and feed-in tariff 's are helping to boost the demand for solar power systems in the country .

  27. 适用于对太阳能发电系统规模要求不大,且对建筑外观要求不高的工程。

    Suitable for solar power system requirements , and in the scale is not high demand of architectural appearance of the project .

  28. 自从1990年建成之后,加州南部的太阳能发电系统就一直是最大的太阳能热电工程。

    Solar Energy Generating Systems ( SEGS ) has been the world record holder for largest solar thermal project since its completion in1990 .

  29. 光伏是符合建筑要求的视觉接受的解决办法,不影响技术性能和屋顶的太阳能发电系统;

    BIPV which satisfies the architectural requirements for a visually acceptable solution , without compromising the technical performance of the roof and the solar power system ;

  30. 点聚焦斯特林太阳能发电系统由3个重要部分组成,即碟式太阳能聚焦器、斯特林发电机和自动跟踪系统。

    A dish / Srirling solar power plant system comprises into 3 parts mostly , a dish solar concentrator , the Stirling engine and automatic tracking system .