
shī yè bǎo xiǎn fèi
  • Unemployment insurance premium;unemployment insurance expense
  1. 单位及其在职职工缴纳的失业保险费;

    Unemployment insurance premium paid by the unit and the employees ;

  2. 失业保险费由单位和个人共同缴纳。

    Unemployed insurance premium is mixed by the unit the individual is collective pay .

  3. 失业保险费及其利息收入;

    The unemployment premium and interest incomes ;

  4. 第四条失业保险费按照国家有关规定征缴。

    Article4Unemployment insurance premium is collected and paid according to relevant provisions of the State .

  5. 中国失业保险费支付标准的改革过程探析

    Probe and Analysis of the Reform Process in the Payment Standard of China 's Unemployment Assurance

  6. 单位招用的农民合同制工人本人,不缴纳失业保险费。

    The peasant-turned contract worker employed by the unit does not pay the unemployment insurance premium .

  7. (三)对失业保险费的征收和失业保险待遇的支付进行监督检查。

    C.conduct supervision and inspection on collection of unemployment insurance premium and payment of unemployment insurance compensation .

  8. 单位缴纳的失业保险费按财税部门的规定列支。

    The unemployed insurance premium of unit pay presses the formulary row of wealth tax section to raise .

  9. 城镇企业事业单位、城镇企业事业单位职工缴纳的失业保险费;

    A.unemployment insurance premium paid by enterprises and institutions in cities and towns as well as their staff and workers ;

  10. 失业保险费、工伤保险费(以下统称社会保险费)的征收和缴纳,适用本规定。

    Unemployment insurance premiums , and occupational injuries insurance premiums ( hereinafter collectively referred to as " social insurance premiums ") .

  11. 第二条城镇企业事业单位、城镇企业事业单位职工依照本条例的规定,缴纳失业保险费。

    Article2Enterprises and institutions in cities and towns as well as their staff and workers shall pay unemployment insurance premium in accordance with these Regulations .

  12. 城镇企业事业单位职工按照本人工资的百分之一缴纳失业保险费。

    Staff and workers in enterprises and institutions in cities and towns shall pay unemployment insurance premium at a rate of1 % on the basis of their own salaries .

  13. 上述人员中到我国境内就业时已达到我国法定退休年龄的,可以免缴我国基本养老保险费和失业保险费,也不享受我国相关的社会保险待遇。

    Above personnel who reached the statutory retirement age can be exempted from payment of pension and unemployment , and also be exempted from enjoying related social insurance benefits .

  14. 失业保险费的征缴范围包括:国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业和其他城镇企业及其职工,事业单位及其职工。

    The limits collecting pay of unemployed insurance premium includes : private enterprise of company of state-owned company , investment of town cooperative , foreign trader , town and other town business reach its worker , the institution reachs its worker .

  15. 在失业保险费的征收方面,同其他险种一样,由地方税务机关征收,被保险人个人应缴纳的失业保险费,由所在单位在征收个人所得税前从其工资中扣缴。

    In unemployed insurance premium collect a respect , like be being planted with other risk , collect by cess Wu mechanism , insurant individual answers the unemployed insurance premium of pay , withhold from inside its salary before imposing individual income tax by place unit .

  16. 另外国家还要支付失业退休金和社会保险费等费用。

    Additional costs came from unemployment benefits and social security payments .

  17. 迄今为止,中国共建立了三个失业保险制度。这三个制度中的失业保险费的支付标准是截然不同的。

    China has so far established successively three unemployment assurance systems in which the payment standards are completely different .

  18. 享受失业保险待遇需要满足三方面的条件:缴纳失业保险费满一年;

    Three conditions are to be met to enjoy the benefits of the unemployment insurance : One full year of the insurance premium has been paid ;

  19. 失业保险调剂金以统筹地区依法应当征收的失业保险费为基数,按照省、自治区人民政府规定的比例筹集。

    Adjustment funds of unemployment insurance are to be raised at a ratio prescribed by people 's governments of provinces or autonomous regions , taking unemployment insurance premium that should be collected according to law in areas where overall planning is conducted as the base .

  20. 答:已在失业保险经办机构办理失业保险登记手续的单位,应到所在地地方税务机关办理缴纳失业保险费登记手续。

    Answer : already dealt with unemployed insurance to register the unit of formalities in orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency , should to seat cess Wu mechanism deals with pay unemployment insurance premium to register formalities .

  21. 根据国务院《失业保险条例》的规定,城镇企事业单位招用农民合同制工人的,应当为其办理失业保险,缴纳失业保险费。

    According to the state council " unemployed insurance byelaw " regulation , town is enterprise or business unit action makes a worker with farmer contract , ought to deal with unemployed insurance for its , pay unemployment insurance premium .