
  • 网络Unemployment insurance;unemployment security
  1. 国外失业保障制度和经验对完善我国失业保障制度的启示

    Enlightenment from Experience of Foreign Unemployment Insurance System to Perfect Ours

  2. 依法纳入失业保障基金的其他资金。

    D.Other funds incorporated into unemployment insurance funds according to law .

  3. 失业保障产品及政府在其中的作用

    Unemployment Insurance Products and the Government 's Functions on Them

  4. 转型期失业保障制度的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Unemployment Insurance System in Transitional Period

  5. 新疆城镇反贫困中的失业保障制度安排

    Unemployment Insurance Systems and Anti - poverty in Urban Xinjiang

  6. 我国失业保障监测预警指标体系的构建

    On the Construction of China 's Unemployment Security Supervision Precaution Target Program

  7. 失业保障的范围诠释及制度选择

    An Annotation for the Scope of Unemployment Security System and Its Regime Choice

  8. 我国失业保障体系存在的问题与对策

    Problems Existent in China ′ s Safeguarding System concerning Unemployment : Their Solutions

  9. 失业保障制度在反失业中的双重效应及其构建方略

    The Dual Effects of Unemployment Insurance System to Anti-unemployment and Its Build-up PLan

  10. 构建和完善上海市失业保障体系的目标及对策

    The objective and policy of establishing and perfecting unemployment security system in Shanghai

  11. 对我国失业保障法制建设的探讨

    A Discussion on Unemployment Security Law Construction of China

  12. 日本失业保障制度解析及启示

    Japan 's Unemployment Insurance System Research and Enlightenment

  13. 此时期,出台了失业保障及劳工福利方面的法规。

    In this period , the unemployment security and labor welfare regulation was introduced .

  14. 关于失业保障监测预警系统的研究

    An Exploration on Monitoring System of Unemployment Security

  15. 在失业保障制度中,最基本的就是失业保险制度。

    In the unemployment assurance institution , the most basic is the unemployment insurance system .

  16. 失业保障及其国际比较

    Unemployment Insurance and Its International Comparison

  17. 失业保障制度作为一种被动的失业治理政策有其存在的理论基础;

    As one of passive unemployment cure policy , unemployment security system has its theory base ;

  18. 由于劳动力供给能力太大,实际失业保障覆盖率相当低下,福利水平还十分低下,失业者承受的压力很大。

    Due to the over supply of labors , the lever of actual unemployment insurance coverage and welfare is quite low .

  19. 失业保障既是一个关系社会稳定的问题,也是一个法律问题。

    And the relevant unemployment security systems and documents are the result and the symbol of the socialization of the law .

  20. 从法律的视域看,失业保障制度体现出这样的特质:公平正义、克服效率缺失、强制性的制度安排。

    From the perspective of law , the system of unemployment security has the following features : it is fare and just ;

  21. 询问清楚遣散费,累计假期,加班,病假津贴,退休福利失业保障等情况。

    Ask about severance pay , accrued vacation , overtime and sick pay , pension benefits , and eligibility for unemployment insurance .

  22. 失业保障制度保持其有效性和可持续发展是法学关注并着力解决的核心问题。

    The validity and sustainability of the system of unemployment security is one of the major issues in the science of law .

  23. 希望通过这一研究成果能为政府有关部门提供决策参考,并对建立我国新的失业保障体系有所推动和帮助。

    Hope this achievement can provide reference to the related departments of the government and benefit the establishment of China 's new unemployment guarantee system .

  24. 然而,有一点非常重要,就是国会必须延长将于今年年底到期的临时工资税减免和临时失业保障政策。

    However , it is vital that Congress extend the temporary payroll cut and unemployment insurance , which also expire at the end of year .

  25. 上海市失业保障体系目标的高层次定位、研究目标实现的对策是构建与完善该体系的重要内涵。

    Positioning the objective of unemployment security system in Shanghai and researching the strategy for its implementation are important parts for establishing and perfecting this system .

  26. 我国理论界在这方面的研究大多是从国别的角度,吸取西方国家的先进失业保障法制建设的经验,为我国的失业保障法提出了一些参考意见。

    The scholars ' research in our country put out some opinions for the unemployment law from the angel of the useful experience in different countries .

  27. 但西方发达国家劳动力市场完善且管理科学,并建有全面的就业服务体系和失业保障体系。

    But Western countries have the sophisticated and scientific managed labor market , and have been built a comprehensive system of employment services and unemployment security system .

  28. 我国失业保障制度还处在改革和完善之中,对失业保障的统计研究正处于起步阶段,更没有建立失业保障预警系统。

    Ours is being perfected now and we have the starting period for the statistical study on unemployment security and we have no monitoring system of unemployment security yet .

  29. 如何建立和健全失业保障制度,是当今各国关心的一个重要研究课题,也是深入推进中国经济改革的一个关键问题。

    How to establish and perfect unemployed insurance system , it 's all of the country discuss the important topical , that 's carry the china economic reform crux problems .

  30. 在我国就业形十分严峻的情况下,有必要学习和借鉴国外经验,完善我国的失业保障制度。

    Under the circumstance of severe employment , it becomes necessary to learn the experience from the foreign countries and then perfect the system of unemployment insurance in our country .