
tóu jīn
  • scarf;kerchief;veil;head scarf;headcloth;coverchief
头巾 [tóu jīn]
  • [scarf;kerchief] 裹头用的布巾

头巾[tóu jīn]
  1. 她气鼓鼓地把头巾裹在头上,发髻都被压扁了。

    She angrily slung a scarf around her head , flattening her halo of hair .

  2. 她把头巾围在头上。

    She tied her scarf over her head

  3. 一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。

    A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind

  4. 她有一头金色的长发,但她用头巾包住了。

    She 's got long fair hair but she 's got a veil over it

  5. 她小题大做地整了整头巾。

    She adjusted her head scarf fussily

  6. 我实在想不起来那块头巾可能失落在什么地方。

    Really I can 't recall where I could have dropped my kerchief .

  7. 这块头巾挺受看的。

    This scarf looks very attractive .

  8. 包包里还总会放着两条不同花色的头巾作装饰。

    A turban for in returning gross would putting two different assortments makes the adornment .

  9. 她小题大做地整了整头巾

    She adjusted her head scarf fussily .

  10. 大家便走了过去,一看原来是一个年轻的妇女,头上包着白色的头巾,身上穿着白布衣裤,脚上套着白布鞋袜,正跪在一座新坟前面痛哭。

    They went over and saw a young woman who , with her head covered with a white kerchief , wore white cotton clothes , trousers , shoes and stockings . She was kneeling in front of a new grave and weeping bitterly .

  11. 但是Twitter上仍出现了关于奥巴马夫人未戴头巾的激烈争论。

    But a furor still is playing out on Twitter over Mrs. Obama and the absent head scarf .

  12. 我以为能等到GeorgeBush系头巾,都等不到Tonya遭殃

    I thought I 'd see George Bush in a do-rag before Tonya got in trouble .

  13. closer:close的比较级,接近的“你那位等待中的女士,比你想象得要近。headdress:头巾;头饰feather:羽毛pink:粉红的她的头饰是黑色和粉色的羽毛”。是她。

    Kati : " your lady in waiting is closer than you think , - Isabel : Her headdress is feathers of black and pink . " - Kati : It 's her . -

  14. 在网络上,这种头巾引起不同的声音,有人在Twitter上调侃说,这个头巾是用来评判对英国的忠诚度。

    Online , the scarf has received a mixed reception , with some taking to Twitter to mock it as a test of British loyalty .

  15. 这种头巾是用来纪念KhudadadKhan——一百年前第一个获得维多利亚十字勋章的穆斯林。

    The hijab was launched to commemorate Khudadad Khan , the first Muslim to receive the Victoria Cross 100 years ago .

  16. 现在订购“我曾为黑人投票”的盘子,赠送YoBabyYo头巾,首发价仅19.99美元。

    Order your " I Voted for a Black Person " commemorative plate and Yo Baby Yo headband for the first issue price of only $ 19.99 .

  17. 价值90美金的佐伊头巾和新的iphone软件供应商提供了第一种能测量你睡的怎样的软件,他的发明者本鲁宾是这样告诉邮报在线的。

    90 Zeo headband and new iPhone app offer the first way to measure ' exactly how you slept , ' its inventor , Ben Rubin , told mail online today .

  18. 在他们的Facebook页面上,两人都发了一张他们身穿有金色装饰的马来白色婚礼服装的照片,新娘在头巾上戴着一顶王冠。

    On their Facebook pages , each of them posted a photograph of them in traditional Malay white wedding attire , with gold accents and the bride wearing a crown over her head scarf .

  19. Turney穿了一件蓝色夹克和一个蓝白色头巾。

    Turney wore a blue jacket and blue-and-white head scarf .

  20. 当时她所在的学区告诉她不能戴头巾(hijab)上学。她抗议说,这是自己宗教信仰的一部分。

    When her school district told her that she couldn 't wear the hijab , she protested that it was a part of her religion .

  21. SarahAttar成为沙特阿拉伯国家史上第一位参加奥运会的女性,星期三当天她头裹头巾参加了伦敦奥运800米田径比赛预赛并最后一个跑完全程。

    Sarah Attar has become the first Saudi woman to compete in Olympic track and field , wearing a headscarf and finishing last in her 800-meter heat Wednesday .

  22. 当伊朗国有电视台播放了被捕的唯一一名女性FayeTurney戴着头巾进行道歉说他们入侵了伊朗水域后,紧张开始升级。

    Tensions escalated when state-run Iranian television aired footage of the lone female captive , Faye Turney , in a head scarf , apologizing and stating that the group had " trespassed " in Iranian waters .

  23. 事实上,尼斯副市长、蓝色海岸地区的政治掮客克里斯蒂安•埃斯特罗西(ChristianEstrosi)就一再表示,海滩上女性遮盖身体是一种挑衅——不管是用布基尼还是大T恤,长裤还是穆斯林头巾——它们暗含着对法国秩序的挑战。

    Indeed , the deputy mayor of Nice , Christian Estrosi , who is a political power broker on the Cote d'Azur , has repeatedly referred to the covering of women on the beach - whether in a burkini or a large T-shirt , pants and hijab - as a provocation , suggesting a challenge to the French order .

  24. 男子穿的衬衫和裤子配有带子,女子穿长衬衫、“paniova”裙子和头巾。

    Males wore a shirt and trousers adorned with a belt and females wore a longer shirt , a wrap-around skirt called a " paniova ", and a headscarf .

  25. 这个缠着白头巾、健壮的阿富汗中年男子,在离家(Jebel-usSaraj城)35英里远的首都坎布儿谋了份好工作。

    A portly middle-age Afghan in a white skullcap , his well-paid job in the capital of Kabul is35 miles away from his family home in the town of Jebel-us Saraj .

  26. 这些织布机半个小时生产1.25米布料世界公认为巴勒斯坦民族象征的keffiyah头巾的传统尺寸。

    It takes the machines half an hour to produce 1.25 metres of fabric . That is the traditional measure for one keffiyah , the headscarf recognised around the world as the symbol of Palestinian nationalism .

  27. 她给书市起名“Boco”,这是爪哇语的“阅读”的意思。这个星期六,大约有200人来到这个开设在吉隆坡老殖民区的书市,绕着四十多个摊位打转,大都是戴头巾的年轻女人和穿紧身牛仔裤的年轻男人。

    She named it Boco , the Javanese word for " read . " On this Saturday , about 200 people - young women in head scarves and young men in tight jeans - were milling around some 40 stalls set up in Kuala Lumpur 's old colonial quarter .

  28. 头上围着黑色头巾的老年妇女从门廊里瞅着我们。

    Old women in black shawls peered at us from door-ways .

  29. “多么大的牙呀!”红头巾说着走得更近了。

    " And what large teeth !" Red said stepping nearer .

  30. 说什么?你认为男人用头巾控制女人?

    Say what ? You think men control women using hijab ?