
yí píng
  • deplanation;level to the ground
夷平 [yí píng]
  • [level to the ground] 使成一块平地

  • 1889年那次龙卷风夷平了整个城市

夷平[yí píng]
  1. 地震夷平了整个城镇,摧毁了简易土坯房和砖结构建筑,只留下一片废墟。

    The quake leveled entire towns , flattening .

  2. 经过11~5.3Ma前的剥蚀夷平后,海拔高度降为800m。

    The elevation of the Red River drainage areas was lowered to 800 m because of planation during 11 Ma to 5.3 Ma .

  3. 一块石头一块石头地夷平该市,使它成为一片没有人烟的荒原。

    Level the city stone by stone to an extinct waste .

  4. 雪崩夷平了农场的房子和其他建筑物。

    Farmhouses and buildings were swept away in the avalanche .

  5. 这样做就好比夷平整座森林,而不是砍掉几棵枯树。

    They are like clear-cutting a forest , not removing dead wood .

  6. 机械夷平地侵蚀形式与特征研究

    Study on Erosion Forms and Features of Mechanical Planation Ground

  7. 两台推土机把那儿夷平。

    There were two bulldozers knocking the place flat .

  8. 工人制造出不仅能削平高山而且能夷平城市的工具。

    Labor turns out devices to level not only mountains but also cities .

  9. 正被夷平的废弃大楼。这城市被焚毁成废墟。

    The city was burnt to a desolate waste .

  10. 一个药方被夷平了!一个男人和他老婆死了。

    And a drugstore smashed flat ! A man and his wife were killed .

  11. 爆炸后的强大气浪把方圆几英里的之内的树木和房屋夷平。

    The blast of the explosion laid low trees and houses for miles around .

  12. 他们摧毁了整个村庄,派遣军队将整个村庄夷平。

    They destroyed the village , and they sent their army to calm the village .

  13. 他想夷平贫民区。

    He wants to level the glades .

  14. 旋风夷平了那些房子。很多村子被夷为平地。

    The tornado laid the houses flat . Many villages were razed to the ground .

  15. 旋风夷平了那些房子。

    The tornado laid the houses flat .

  16. 飓风夷平了森林。

    The hurricane flattened the forest .

  17. 这些房子,这些沿着满岸的房子全部被夷平,

    These houses , these are all rough-built houses , completely flattened along the full shore ,

  18. 然后一切迅速夷平,在我前面是巨大的城墙。

    I was drawn up the light along the path , and soon it levelled out .

  19. 这完全能夷平小镇

    This could devastate the town .

  20. 公寓的房间有3平方米,旋风夷平了那些房子。

    The apartments were rooms about three meters square , The tornado laid the houses flat .

  21. 它们何不用核弹夷平整座城市把我们消灭干净呢

    Why don 't they just nuke the whole damn city and be done with us ?

  22. 大片的森林被夷平。

    Large tracts of forest vanished .

  23. 一名农民指着遭夷平了的农田,说本来10月就到了收成期。

    A farmer pointed to the flattened cornfields . A harvest had been due in late October .

  24. 而在街区暂时发展得不好时,采取激进的规划、夷平整个街区,则很可能不是个好主意。

    Aggressive planning , knocking down entire blocks in response to temporary weakness , is probably not .

  25. 多少个托马斯可以夷平一平方公里的南美丛林?

    How many Isaiahs would it take to level a square mile of a South American jungle ?

  26. 劳动的汗水创造并生产出来的器械,不仅可以夷平高山,而且也能摧毁城池。

    Labor sweats to create - and turns out devices to level not only mountains but also cities .

  27. 地震夷平了整个城镇,摧毁了简易土坯房和砖结筑,在受灾区只留下一片废墟。

    The quake leveled entire towns , flattening the simple adobe , brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble .

  28. 挖土机和起重机开始夷平建筑(的工作)。浅谈坳沟土段挖孔桩施工的护壁方法

    Excavators and cranes have started to raze buildings Wall-Supporting Method of Clough Soil Section in the Construction of Excavated Pile

  29. 昨天,中国一次控制爆破让19栋楼在10秒钟之内被夷平。

    Nineteen buildings disappeared in the space of 10 seconds after being demolished by a controlled explosion in China yesterday .

  30. 印度尼西亚外交事务发言人TeukuFaizasyah称,地震夷平了大约13000座建筑,包括5000所住房。

    Indonesian foreign affairs spokesman Teuku Faizasyah says the quake ed an estimated 13000 buildings , including about 5000 homes .