
  • 网络fantasy literature;high fantasy
  1. 第二部分着眼于我国奇幻文学的发展现状。

    Part II focuses on the present situation of fantasy literature in our country .

  2. 第三部分列举我国奇幻文学翻译所面临的种种危机以及可能的应对策略。

    Part III lists a variety of crises our fantasy literature translation faces and possible strategies .

  3. J·R·R·托尔金突破性的将过去想象性文学的描写对象自人物、情节转移到幻想世界本身,从而开创了奇幻文学这一新的文学形式。

    One of the major achievements of J. R. R. Tolkien was to shift the past description of the objects of literary imagination from figures and stories to the Fantasy world itself , so that he created the new literary form of fantastic literature .

  4. J.R.R.托尔金是现代奇幻文学的开山鼻祖,也是目前对世界影响最大的奇幻文学作家之一。

    J.R.R. Tolkien is the earliest founder of the modern fantasy , also is one of the writers who has the most significant impact on fantasy in the world .

  5. 新神话主义奇幻文学视野下的重述神话

    The " Restatement of the Myth " from the Perspective of " New Myth Doctrine " Fantasy Literature

  6. 并为这个时代的儿童文学和奇幻文学竖起了一面旗帜,流行并且经典。

    It also raises a flag for this age 's children 's literature and fantasy literature : popular and classic .

  7. 第一部分描述奇幻文学的定义、起源、发展历程、代表作品和突出特点。

    Part I describes the definition of fantasy literature , its origins , development , representative works and prominent features .

  8. 托尔金认为,在奇幻文学中创造第二世界是一项很难达成的任务,以至于许多文学作品中构建的幻想世界都并不成功。

    According to Tolkien , it is hard to achieve a secondary world in fantasy literature ; most fantastic worlds come out half-baked .

  9. 在中国奇幻文学遭遇发展停滞的瓶颈时期,奇幻文学的转型成为迫在眉睫的问题。

    It is urgent that the mystery fantasy fiction of China should have its own revolution when fantasy literature of China undergoes its bottleneck period .

  10. 他的创作不仅开创了奇幻文学这一新的文学体裁,将古老的神话元素融入其中,又和现代文学神话创作的倾向不谋而合。

    His creative work not only initiate a whole new literature genre , which takes the age-old myths into itself , but also has the same tendency with the modern mythology literature .

  11. 事实证明,这一理论为奇幻文学翻译及翻译批评带来了新的可能性和新的启示,为今后产生更优秀的奇幻文学翻译铺平了道路。

    It has been proved that the functionalism brings a new perspective to the translation and evaluation of fantasy literature , paving the way for a better translation of the literary genre in the future .

  12. 西方奇幻文学在世界上拥有广泛的读者。虽然它作为一种文学流派的历史并不长,但是西方奇幻的起源却可以追溯到人类的远古时期。

    Western fantasy literature , with numerous readers and fans worldwide , has a short history of only several centuries as a genre of literature , but its roots can be traced back to ancient mythology .

  13. 奇幻文学翻译是对我国翻译事业发展的挑战,只有正确的对待这些危机,才能够对症下药,搞好奇幻文学的翻译工作。

    The fantasy literature translation , therefore , presents a challenge to the development of our translation enterprise . To handle these crises effectively , we must take the right countermeasures to improve the translation work of fantasy literature .

  14. 功能主义强调翻译过程中以交际为目的的跨文化转化,而由于奇幻文学体裁上的特殊性,使得文化负载词的翻译、翻译风格以及读者反应成为评判其翻译质量的重要标准。

    Functionalism attaches great importance to communicative cross-cultural rendering , and therefore the translation of culture-loaded words , translation style and reader-response become an important evaluation criterion for the translation of fantasy literature due to the particularity of such a literary genre .