
  • 网络jacketed
  1. 大容量电阻片、GIS型避雷器和瓷套型避雷器的研发工作都是在株式会社东芝相关技术的基础上进行的。

    , The R & D of high capacity resistance piece and GIS and porcelain-clad metal oxide arrester was carried out based on related Toshiba technology .

  2. 基于AHP法的住宅小区规划设计方案评价方法研究中小套型住宅优秀方案房型统计分析

    The Study on the Evaluation of Residence Plan & Design Based on the AHP Method ; House Models ' Statistical Analysis on Excellent Plans of Medium and Small Type Dwelling

  3. 介绍一种新型的架空地线复合光缆(OPGW),其光纤单元是一种具有PBT(聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯)内衬管粘合不锈钢管的松套型结构。

    The paper has introduced a new kind of overhead compound optical ground wire ( OPGW ), whose optical unit is kind of loose sleeve structure with stainless steel pipe bond with PBT lining tube .

  4. 提炼出三条设计原则,并反映到SOHO建筑的套型设计,楼层平面设计,剖面设计,形态设计,智能化设计,涉及到了SOHO建筑设计的各个方面。

    Extracted three design principles , and reflected in the SOHO Building Layout Design , Graphic Design floors , profile design , form design , intelligent design , the SOHO involved in all aspects of residential design .

  5. 套型建筑面积90m~2的单体房型设计

    Design of Single Room Type with 90m ~ 2 Dwelling Floor-space

  6. 城市小康住宅套型平面探讨

    Probing into Plane of Flat Type of Comfortable Residence in Cities

  7. 住宅套型设计的发展趋势及其对策研究

    The development and research in designing of hte housing dwelling size

  8. 西安市小套型住宅模式设计研究

    Study on the Model Design for the Small-sized Apartment in Xi'an

  9. 夹套型压力容器的整体热处理

    Integral Heat Treatment of Pressure Vessel with Jacket On Entirety Enterprise Planning

  10. 西安地区经济适用住宅需求与套型设计研究

    Requirement for the Economic Affordable Housing and Design of Patterns in Xi'an

  11. 典型住宅套型比较与理想住宅展望

    Comparison of the typical residing flats and the prospect of the ideal residences

  12. 中、小套型住宅设计的探讨&兼谈长江中、下游地区的住宅设计

    Discussions on Housing Design for Middle and Small Suites

  13. 住宅套型设计中各种功能房间的合理尺寸

    Study of rational size of room with various functions

  14. 新世纪住宅套型细部设计探讨

    Discussion on the details design of housing dwelling size in the new century

  15. 中小套型住宅优秀方案房型统计分析

    House Models ' Statistical Analysis on Excellent Plans of Medium and Small Type Dwelling

  16. 可根据用户要求做成夹套型。

    Jacket type might be adopted on request .

  17. 电火花套型加工中工艺步骤对加工效果的影响的探讨

    A research on technology steps effects on machining results in process of EDM trepanning

  18. 西安地区城市中小套型住宅需求的分析研究

    Study on Requirement of Medium and Small-sized Dwelling Unit Type for Urban Residence in Xi'an

  19. 套型组合后所产生的建筑造型提倡多样化、艺术化。

    Both diversification and artistry are advocated in architectural design after the combination of flats .

  20. 主要研究内容包括:设计了一套型芯可插拔式的微注塑模具。

    The major contents are as follows : A core-removable micro injection mold was designed .

  21. 总结出了后小康住宅套型模式的设计原则和方法。

    The design principles and methods of the post-xiaokang housing dwelling size pattern are formed .

  22. 重点增加中小套型普通商品住房建设。

    Emphasis will be placed on building more ordinary small and medium-sized commodity housing units .

  23. 不同壁厚橡胶制品模具的电火花套型加工试验研究

    An Experimental Research on Trepanning Moulds for Making Rubber Products with Different Thickness by EDM

  24. 提出了后小康住宅套型模式的新特点、发展趋势。

    The new characteristics and tendency of the post-xiaokang housing dwelling size pattern is introduced .

  25. 住宅室内套型设计的适应性要求

    Adaptability of Residential Interior Layout Design

  26. 使用紫铜丝制作线框电极,采用电火花腐蚀方法,以套型的方式加工模具型腔和型芯。

    The cavity and core were trepanned with frame electrode made of copper wire by EDM .

  27. 浓乳液法制备嵌套型双亲粒子

    Amphiphilic particles prepared via concentrated emulsions

  28. 套型设计的合理性有待深入研究;

    3 , the rationality of the rooms ' structure designs was awaiting to be improved .

  29. 南方集合住宅套型内景观空间的设计与研究

    The Design and Research on the Landscape Space Inside Dwelling Size in the Southern Multi-family Building

  30. 超小套型住宅研究

    The Research on the Super-small Apartments