
  • 网络Ultron;Altra
  1. 直到2015年《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》(Avengers:AgeofUltron)上映,他才能迎来下一个丰收季。

    He won 't see another huge payday until 2015 when Avengers : Age of Ultron hits theaters .

  2. 迪士尼公司找到了宝藏,它的《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》(TheAvengers:AgeofUltron)集合了漫威超级英雄们,获得4.59亿国内票房。

    And Disney struck pay dirt with " The Avengers : Age of Ultron , " which grouped together Marvel superheroes and delivered $ 459 million in domestic sales .

  3. 而今年,只有4部影片取得了这个成绩,分别是《侏罗纪世界》、《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》、《头脑特工队》和环球影业的动画片《小黄人大眼萌》(Minions)。

    This year , only four movies did that : " Jurassic World , " " Age of Ultron , " " Inside Out " and Universal 's animated " Minions . "

  4. 这是用在索科威亚回收的奥创手臂制作的

    Now , this is crafted from a reclaimed sub-Ultron arm straight from Sokovia

  5. 所有域名及设计版权归奥创公司所有,请勿复制及抄袭。

    All domain names and design belongs to all A & C Company , do not copy and plagiarism .

  6. 5月12日,《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(以下简称《复联2》)终于登陆中国大陆各大院线。

    Highly anticipated Avengers sequel " Age of Ultron " finally arrived at cinemas on the Chinese mainland on May 12 .

  7. 在大片复仇者联盟2:奥创时代中,奥创,从某种程度来说,就是一个智能机器人。

    In the movie , Avengers2 : Age of Ultron . Ultron is , to some extent , an intelligent robot .

  8. 就在今年,我们又迎来了复联的新续集《奥创纪元》,然后我们很激动,

    And just this year , we got a new Avengers movie , the " Age of Ultron , " and we were very excited ,

  9. 与此同时,漫威影业发布了即将在2015年5月上映的《复仇者联盟:奥创时代》的最新片段。

    Meanwhile , some new footage for The Avengers : Age of Ultron , which is set for release in May 2015 , was unveiled by Marvel Studios .

  10. 奥创主要讲述的是标志性的超级英雄漫画复联的故事,它是2012年电影《复仇者联盟》的续集,并也是由《冲出宁静号》的导演乔斯温登执导和编剧的。

    Ultron centers on the iconic comic-book superhero team and is a sequel to the 2012 movie The Avengers , which was also directed and written by Joss Whedon of Serenity .

  11. 内战发生在奥创事件之后。那时,政府决定超级英雄们必须在政府管理下行事,不能再单独行动。

    Civil War takes place after the events of Avengers : Age of Ultron , when the government decides that the Avengers should work under them and not on their own .

  12. 《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》想要达到接近完美上一部那样的成就,这有点难,观众们对这部续集褒贬不一。

    Avengers : Age of Ultron had the difficult task of living up to its near-perfect predecessor , and audiences were vocal about what they did and didn 't like about the sequel .

  13. 同时,只有三部好莱坞大片成功挤进2015年中国电影票房销售额的前十名。它们分别是《速度与激情7》、《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》以及《侏罗纪世界》。

    Only three Hollywood productions , ' Furious 7 ' , ' Avengers : Age of Ultron ' , and ' Jurassic World ' , made it into the top 10 at the Chinese box office in 2015 .