
  • 网络Oscar nomination
  1. 这部由恐怖片大师萨姆·莱米倾力执导的影片几乎可以稳拿奥斯卡提名奖。

    The film — tautly directed by horror-meister Sam Raimi — is almost assured an Oscar nomination .

  2. 利:Merrystreep有可能创造17次奥斯卡提名的逆天记录

    pro : Meryl Streep could get a record 17th Oscar Nomination .

  3. 他已经获得九次奥斯卡提名。

    He has had nine Oscar nominations .

  4. 5名主演均获得了奥斯卡提名。

    Oscar nominations went to all five leading players .

  5. 他已经3次获奥斯卡提名,但从未获奖。

    He has been nominated three times for the Oscar but has yet to win .

  6. 这是Adams第三次获得奥斯卡提名,但是这次她恐怕不会很走运。

    This is her third nomination , but unfortunately it won 't prove lucky .

  7. 奥斯卡提名影片《华尔街之狼》(TheWolfofWallStreet)在大银幕上描绘的华尔街生活光鲜亮丽,但事实上投资也远比看上去更具挑战。

    Investing despite the big-screen bacchanal portrayed in the Oscar-nominated the wolf of Wall Street is also tougher than it looks .

  8. 与Ellen的老朋友JimmyKimmel一起还有奥斯卡提名MelissaMccarthy

    With Ellen 's old friend Jimmy Kimmel.The Oscar nominated Melissa Mccarthy .

  9. 这是LeonardoDiCaprio在获得六次奥斯卡提名后第一次得奖。

    This is the first Oscar at six nomination for Leonardo DiCaprio .

  10. 杰西•艾森伯格凭借在《社交网络》(TheSocialNetwork)一片中饰演的马克•扎克伯格而获得奥斯卡提名。该影片根据Facebook初期的故事改编而成。

    Jesse Eisenberg earned himself an Oscar nomination for his role as Mark Zuckerberg in the film " The Social Network , " which is loosely based on Facebook 's FB 0.79 % early days .

  11. NBC台于周三宣布,奥斯卡提名演员安妮海瑟薇(AnneHathaway)和杰瑞米雷纳(JeremyRenner)将于11月分别主持《周六夜现场》(SaturdayNightLive)。

    Oscar nominees Anne Hathaway and Jeremy Renner will host Saturday Night Live in November , NBC announced on Wednesday .

  12. 2014奥斯卡提名将于(1月16日)周四公布,颁奖典礼将于3月2日周日在ABC台播出。

    The 2014 Oscars nominations will be announced Thursday , January 16 . The ceremony will air Sunday , March 2 on ABC .

  13. 欢迎奥斯卡提名得主MelissaMccarthy

    Please welcome Academy Award nominee Melissa Mccarthy .

  14. 然后说她以前是跳艳舞的(exoticdancer),如今却是奥斯卡提名的剧作家。

    Such a great movie ! Diablo Cody used to be an exotic dancer , and now she is an Oscar-nominated screenwriter .

  15. 加博目前还参演了奥斯卡提名电影《逃离德黑兰》,NBC系列,《致命陷阱》。

    Garber currently stars in the Oscar-nominated film , Argo , and the new NBC series , Deception .

  16. 获得奥斯卡提名的ChristopherPlummer以及JennaDicky

    Plus Oscar nominee Christopher Plummer , and Jenna Dicky .

  17. 该麦克风正是《牢狱的终结》的导演贝伦斯在爱荷华州监狱(theIowaStatePenitentiary)拍摄他这部奥斯卡提名影片时使用的那款。

    It 's what Mr. Barens , the director of ' Prison Terminal , ' used when shooting his Oscar-nominated film at the Iowa State Penitentiary .

  18. 科比·迪克(KirbyDick)获奥斯卡提名的《隐秘的战争》(TheInvisibleWar,2012)是关于军队中的性侵问题,最后众议院还就此进行了一次听证会。

    Kirby Dick 's Oscar-nominated " The Invisible War " ( 2012 ) , about sexual assault in the military , led to a House hearing on the matter .

  19. 全新的Ellen秀迎来了TedDansen和获得奥斯卡提名的ChristopherPlummer以及JennaDicky

    Ellen is all new with Ted Dansen and Oscar nominee Christopher Plummer , Plus Jenna Dicky .

  20. Blige将会表演“泥土之界”中的歌曲《MightyRiver》,这首获得奥斯卡提名的歌曲是她和RaphaelSaadiq以及TauraStinson共同谱写的。

    Blige will perform " Mighty River " from " Mudbound , " the Oscar-nominated song she co-wrote with Raphael Saadiq and Taura Stinson .

  21. Logue的祖父LionelLogue,是一位澳大利亚语言治疗师,在奥斯卡提名影片《国王的演讲》中该角色由GeoffreyRush扮演。

    Logue 's grandfather was Lionel Logue , the Australian speech therapist played by Geoffrey Rush in the Oscar nominated movie The King 's Speech .

  22. 我制作了一部电影,并被奥斯卡提名,而且成立了我自己的公司Harpo。

    I 'd made a movie , had been nominated for an Oscar and founded my company , Harpo .

  23. 近日在接受德国报刊《Welt》采访时,这位六获奥斯卡提名的演员坦言考虑过扮演俄罗斯总统。

    In a recent interview with the German newspaper Welt , the 6-time-Oscar nominated actor revealed that he could imagine himself playing the role of the Russian President .

  24. 1987年,他在《早安越南》里饰演了滔滔不绝的部队播音员AdrianCronauer,这个角色也让他迎来了人生中第一个奥斯卡提名,在随后的演艺生涯里,他共提名四次。

    Those abilities were showcased in 1987 's " Good Morning , Vietnam , " where his performance as motormouth military disc jockey Adrian Cronauer earned him the first of four career Oscar nominations .

  25. 据媒体Deadline报道,2010年上映《神偷奶爸1》票房高达5.46亿美元,《神偷奶爸2》于2013年上映,获得奥斯卡提名,票房达6.077亿美元,将全球票房增加到了9.76亿美元。

    According to Deadline , the first film , released in 2010 , earned $ 546m ( £ 418m ) while its Oscar-nominated sequel - which arrived in 2013 - amassed $ 607.7m ( £ 465.6m ) upping the global haul to $ 976m ( £ 748m ) .

  26. 现年36岁的莱昂纳多曾多次被奥斯卡提名,日前他被拍到在法国游艇上和23岁的布莱克莱弗利拥抱,之前两人是经BazLuhrmann介绍,共进午餐后认识。

    The Oscar-nominee , 36 , was snapped aboard a French yacht embracing the 23-year-old actress after the pair were reportedly introduced at a dinner hosted by Baz Luhrmann .

  27. 1989年,他在《死亡诗社》里扮演激励人心的英语老师JohnKeating。1991年,他在《渔王》中扮演精神失常的流浪汉鳏夫。这两个角色都为他赢得了奥斯卡提名。

    He added more Oscar nominations for his performance as the inspirational English literature teacher John Keating in 1989 's " Dead Poets Society " and for playing a mentally ill homeless man mourning the loss of his wife in 1991 's " The Fisher King . "

  28. 获得奥斯卡提名的《功夫熊猫2》(KungFuPanda2)2011年在全球赚了5亿多美元,它使詹妮弗·余·尼尔森成为当时票房记录最高的女导演(如今这一殊荣属于去年《冰雪奇缘》[Frozen]的联合导演詹妮弗·李[JenniferLee])。

    Raking in over half a billion dollars worldwide in 2011 , the Academy Award-nominated " Kung Fu Panda 2 ″ turned Jennifer Yuh Nelson into the highest-grossing female director of all time ( that title now belongs to Jennifer Lee , the co-director of last year 's " Frozen " )

  29. 上个月,奥斯卡提名公布,没有一位黑人演员获得提名,引发强烈抗议,人们纷纷谈论影评家们认为应该予以考虑的演员:比如《无境之兽》(BeastsofNoNation)中的伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(IdrisElba);

    When the Oscar nominations were announced last month , revealing that not one black actor was in the running , the resulting furor touched on the performances that critics said should have been considered : What about Idris Elba in " Beasts of No Nation " ?

  30. 为了回应这场颁奖礼,作家贾亚·桑达瑞什(JayaSundaresh)发起了一场社交媒体运动,号召关注自己的粉丝使用“只有百分之一”(#onlyonepercent)的标签,反映历史上只有百分之一的奥斯卡提名给了亚裔演员这个事实。

    In response to the ceremony , the writer Jaya Sundaresh created her own social media movement , urging followers to use \# onlyonepercent " to reflect the fact that Asian Americans have rec 'd only 1 % of Oscar noms in its history . "