
  • 网络Aosta;Austal
  1. “海军和奥斯塔团队对防腐蚀措施的了解非常扎实”,Rella说。

    " The Navy and Austal team have a solid understanding of corrosion mitigating measures ," Rella said .

  2. 尽管如此,对38岁的范奥斯塔延来说,这份工作还是有代价的。

    Nonetheless , there is a cost to the 38-year-old 's work .

  3. 范奥斯塔延相信,这份工作非常重要。

    The work is important , he believes .

  4. 范奥斯塔延对大学里学习过的历史和阿拉伯文化很感兴趣,这让他投身于这份工作。

    Mr Van Ostaeyen got into this work through his interest in history and Arabic culture , which he studied at university .

  5. 论述美国毛皮贸易商人奥斯塔凭借政府的支持和灵活市场应变能力,建立了美国毛皮公司。

    Fur trader & Astor began to operate and established the American fur trade company by the support of the Government and flexible adaptability to the market .

  6. 对一些人而言,这是他们工作的一部分。然而,范奥斯塔延等其他人不从这份工作中领薪水,他们希望有一天自己能得到回报。

    Some do it as part of their job , but others such as Mr Van Ostaeyen , who is not recompensed for this work , hope one day to make it pay .

  7. 我不得不说,当我们在奥斯塔山谷建立新站点的时候,地形非常陡峭,我们认为停车是个问题,那是一个大型工厂,容纳很多员工。

    I have to say that when we built the new site in the Aosta valley the route in was very steep and we thought parking would be an issue it was a big facility with lots of staff .