
  1. 北京和其他5个城市一起争夺2000年奥运会主办权。

    Beijing competed against five other cities for the host of 2000 Olympics .

  2. 伦敦赢得2012年奥运会主办权带给我们的启示

    The Enlightenment Brought by London 's Successful Application for the Host of 2012 Olympic Games

  3. 共有包括北京在内的五个城市参加了争夺第28届奥运会主办权的角逐。

    Five candidate cities including Beijing participated in the competition to host the28th Olympic Games .

  4. 随着该城首次正儿八经地竞标奥运会主办权,这种情结也是一览无遗。

    And as it makes its first serious bid to host the Olympics , it shows .

  5. 在赢得2012年奥运会主办权不久之后,伦敦奥组委就开始为比赛做准备了。

    The London Olympic Committee started preparations for the games shortly after winning its bid for the2012 Olympics .

  6. 当中国在2001年获得2008年奥运会主办权的时候,整个国家到处洋溢着自豪感。

    When China was awarded the right to host the '08 Olympics in2001 , the nation beamed with pride .

  7. 早在伦敦获得奥运会主办权前八年开始,“英国体育”就开始用这笔额外资金支持运动员。

    U.K. Sport has used the extra money to support athletes as far as eight years in advance of Olympic qualification .

  8. 例如北京在竞选2008年奥运会主办权上国家奥委会与国际奥委会就违反了章法。

    The systems of the IOC and several national Olympic Committees were breached in the run-up to the2008 Beijing Games , for example .

  9. 罗马的退出使得竞争2024年奥运会主办权的城市只剩下了洛杉矶、巴黎以及匈牙利布达佩斯。

    Rome 's withdrawal would leave only Los Angeles , Paris , and Budapest , Hungary , in the running for the 2024 Games .

  10. 在我国成功获得2008年奥运会主办权之后,我国体育产业的发展逐渐得到了越来越多的关注。

    Since China successfully won the right of holding 2008 Olympic Game , the development of sports industry has being gained more and more attention .

  11. 将“北京获得2008年奥运会主办权”改成“北京成为2008奥运会的东道主”能否可行?

    As the host city of Olympic Games in2008 , the impact will have far-reaching influence for Beijing and even the whole domestic toursim industry .

  12. 为了赢得奥运会主办权,北京承诺举办一次“绿色奥运”,保证采取大量堪称世界楷模的环保措施。

    To win the Games , Beijing promised a " Green Olympics " and undertook environmental initiatives now considered models for the rest of the country .

  13. 从七年前中国获得奥运会主办权的那一刻起,体育似乎已经不是故事的主题。

    From the moment these Games were awarded to China seven years ago , the sports have always seemed likely to be eclipsed by the story .

  14. 国际奥委会在2001年决定将2008年奥运会主办权交给北京时,如果他们没有预料到上述太平时期可能因此终结,那就太天真了。

    If the IOC did not see that the 2001 decision to award the games to Beijing was likely to end that run , it was extraordinarily naive .

  15. 该协议是在中国获得2008年奥运会主办权之前签署的,那时中国并未赢得许多奥运奖牌。不过,国际奥委会那时已知道中国将申办奥运会。

    The deal was signed before China was awarded the 2008 games and when it was not winning many Olympic medals , although by then the IOC knew that China would be bidding for the games .

  16. 2005年,伦敦的多元化甚至似乎说服了国际奥委会(IOC)&后者将2012年奥运会的主办权授予了伦敦。

    In 2005 , London 's diversity even appears to have persuaded the International Olympic Committee to give the city the upcoming Games .

  17. 不管北京能否赢得奥运会的主办权。

    Regardless of whether or not Beijing wins the Olympic bid .

  18. 该城市获得了这届奥运会的主办权。

    The city has won the right to host the games .

  19. 中国北京取得了2008年第29届夏季奥运会的主办权;

    Beijing won the right to hold the29th Summer Olympic Games in2008 .

  20. 塞巴斯蒂安·科勋爵赢得了他一生之中最辉煌的一次胜利:他成功地把2012年奥运会的主办权带回了伦敦。

    Lord Coe has won his greatest ever race by bringing the2012 Olympics to London .

  21. 美国奥委会看来要准备竞争2024年夏季奥运会的主办权了。

    The United States Olympic Committee seems ready to bid for the 2024 Summer Games .

  22. 我们中国人成功地争取到了2008年在北京举行奥运会的主办权。

    We Chinese people have succeeded in our bid to hold the2008 Olympic Games in Beijing .

  23. 当北京失去了二零零零年奥运会的主办权,那不仅是奥运会的遗憾。

    When Beijing lost her bid for the2000 Olympic Game , it was not only a pity for Olympics .

  24. 伦敦申奥小组在击败对手获得2012年奥运会的主办权后,喜极而泣。

    London 's Olympic bid team wept with delight after they beat the odds to host the2012 Olympic games .

  25. 当北京失去了二零零零年奥运会的主办权,那不仅是奥运会的遗憾,

    When Beijing lost her bid for the 2000 Olympic Game , it was not only a pity for Olympics ,

  26. 众望所归,北京终于赢得了2008年夏季奥运会的主办权,申奥成功为北京带来了巨大商机。

    Historic Moments , Beijing has finally won the2008 Summer Olympic Games , Beijing 's successful bid to bring tremendous business opportunities .

  27. 所以朋友们,让我们祈祷和希望北京能最终取得二零零八年奥运会的主办权。

    So my friends , let 's all pray and hope that Beijing will eventually become the host of Olympic Games in2008 .

  28. 所以朋友们,让我们祈祷和希望北京能最终取得二零零八年奥运会的主办权.

    So my friends , let 's all pray and hope that Beijing will eventually become the host of Olympic Games in 2008 .

  29. 2010年,巴西经济增速达到7.5%&在2009年,里约热内卢获得了2016年奥运会的主办权。

    It hit 7.5 per cent in 2010 , the year after Rio de Janeiro was named host city of the 2016 Olympics .

  30. 北京取得2008年奥运会的主办权,则与首次将环保列入申办纲领和提倡环境教育分不开的。

    Beijing win the host right of 2008 Olympic Games belongs to environment protection firstly enlisted in bidding creed and advocating education of environment .