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  1. 女书与瑶族文化的旅游品牌塑造

    Female Scripts and Travel Brand of the Yao Nationality Culture Mould

  2. 女书作品是有着独特魅力的民间文学。

    N ü Shu works are folklores which have special fascination .

  3. 女书文字被评价为是世界上最具性别意识的文字。

    Womanese script has been praised as the world 's most gender-sensitive language .

  4. 女书叙事诗与女性叙事

    Narrative Poems in Female Script and Female Narrative

  5. 提出建立女书训诂学和女书书法学。

    The author suggests setting up the gloss and calligraphy of the women characters .

  6. 原始母系社会的文化&江永女书

    Primitive Matriarchal Society Culture : Jiangyong Women Characters

  7. 她们在女书的描写中,更多的表现的是一种女性之间的这种姐妹情谊。

    In the depiction of N ü Shu , it expressed mainly the friendship between women .

  8. 女书字符中的崇鸟意识与古越人鸟图腾的关系

    The Relationship between Worship of Birds in N ü shu and Bird Totem of Ancient Yue People

  9. 女书文字新发现

    New Findings about Female Scripts

  10. 女书是世界上唯一由妇女创造、女专用的文字,是中华民族珍贵的古老的文化遗产。

    Women 's script is the only Chinese ancient cultural legacy specially created and used by women .

  11. 看!那个女书同前几天沿门讨饭的女孩是同一人。

    Look ! This is the same girl that begged from door to door the other day .

  12. 女书叙事诗所呈现出来的这种鲜明的女性叙事特征与它所处的特殊的社会历史背景密切相关。

    Female narrative characteristic appeared by narrative poems in female script is closely interrelated with its particular social and history background .

  13. 当这些意识反映到女书叙事诗中的时候,就必然使女书叙事诗绽放出璀璨夺目的女性光华。

    As these consciousness reflect to narrative poems in female script , it 's certain for it to give out dazzling light .

  14. “女书”作为一种记录湖南省江永地区女性“土话”的独特书面文字在江永县上江圩乡及其邻近地区的女性之间流传。

    Narrative poems in female script are the poems spreaded orally far and wide among Jiangyong women which are recorded by female script .

  15. 女书是世界上唯一的性别文字,是人类文字学上的奇迹。

    Shu is the only sex characters in the world , it is a miracle in human philology history . First , N ( u | ¨)

  16. 那稀奇秘密的文字,指的是在湖南省江永县上江墟乡据称由女性创造的书写文字,只在女性间唱诵流传,称为女书。

    Believed to be created by women , was a secret script used exclusively among women in shangjiangxu township , Jiangyong county , Hunan province , china .

  17. 面临女书现代传承危机,如何有效的保护女书与当地的文化生态成为女书保护的一个重要的问题。

    How to protect Nvshu and the local cultural ecology effectively is very important for the preservation of Nvshu in face of the crisis of Nushu inheritance .

  18. 研究发现,国家、地方政府、市场经济、专家学者、新闻媒体等社会外在力量在女书文化传承与保护过程中扮演着重要的角色。

    Found the state , local government , experts and scholars , market , mass media have played a important role in the process of the female script inheritance and protection .

  19. 这些妇女在扇子及巾帕上绣写女书,并编唱故事歌谣,藉以互通心迹,从封闭的世界中暂时走出,分享彼此的希望、梦想和成就。

    They painted letters on fans , embroidered messages on handkerchiefs , and composed stories , thereby reaching out of their isolation to share their hopes , dreams , and accomplishments .

  20. 她婆家的人也会来招待她们这些人,而且还将女书摆在人群当中,作为新娘的一个荣耀。

    Her husband 's relative will also entertain her sisters , but also they place the works of N ü Shu among the public , regarding it as the honor of bride .

  21. 我在女书流传地问一个小女孩,她是会说方言的,我问她将来可不可以做一个女书的传人。

    I asked to a girl in the place where N ü Shu is come down if she will become a N ü Shu successor in the future , she can say dialect .

  22. 面向未来,需要政府着重发挥引导规范作用,积极采取措施,鼓励个人、企业和社会组织参与女书文化传承与保护过程,使得女书文化得以传承与延续。

    In the future , needs the government focus on guiding and taking measures , to encourage individuals , company , and social organizations to participate in the cultural heritage protection process of the female script .

  23. 在艺术表现上,女书叙事诗又呈现出题材的广泛性、叙事角度的多样性、女性人物形象的丰富性等特点;

    According to its artistic manifestation , a distinguishing feature of narrative poems in female script is made up with its wide-ranging of subjects and its diversity point of view and its rich and colourful female images .

  24. 随着丝绸扇的到来,在这种扇子上小女孩雪花为百合写了女书的诗歌前奏,她们的友谊封存起来,在风残的70岁她们成为了“老同”。

    With the arrival of a silk fan on which Snow Flower has composed for Lily a poem of introduction in nu shu , their friendship is sealed and they become " old sames " at the tender age of seven .

  25. 第二章是文献综述。本章讨论了目前女书研究的状况、语言与文化的关系、语言与社会的关系及语言与性别的关系。

    The second chapter is the review of research on N ü shu , offering an introduction to recent development in this field , the relationship between language and culture , the relationship between language and society , and the relationship between genders .

  26. 女书成为我国首批非物质文化遗产,受到国家、市场、社会与个人的高度关注。如何有效地传承与保护女书文化,是当前学术界一个非常重要的研究课题。

    The female script became the first batch of state protection of the intangible cultural heritage , has aroused great concern of the state , market , society and individuals . How to effectively inherit and protect the female script is an important study in present .

  27. 本文对女书传人生活的社会环境、婚恋习俗、家庭状况进行详细叙述,在此基础上对女书传人在婚姻家庭中的角色及地位作了初步探索。

    In this text , the social environment , marriage custom , family 's state of the female scripts Successors ' life are narrated in detail , and on this basis , to explore the female scripts successors ' role and status in the marriage and family .