
nǚ yāo
  • A banshee;enchantress;witch;succulence;nix;nightmare
女妖 [nǚ yāo]
  • (1) [nix]∶德国民间传说中的妖精,有关它的样子的说法很多,但一般都说它像个女人或一半像人,一半像鱼,住在美丽的水晶宫里,对人很不友善

  • 缭绕不散,尖锐刺目,伤感扰人,有如女妖叫声,有如气笛长鸣

  • (2) [witch]∶施行妖术的女人

  • 听说一个老女妖把自己变成了一只鸽子

  • (3) [nightmare]∶西方传说中有九个小妖陪伴的妖精

  • (4) [succulence]∶男人在睡梦中与他性交的妖魔

女妖[nǚ yāo]
  1. 引言简述了中国文学中存在的女妖现象,并阐明本文研究的原因。

    Introduction : a brief introduction of the enchantress phenomenon in ancient Chinese literature , and giving the reason of this study .

  2. 丧钟敲响,女妖嚎哭;你知道,大限到了

    When bell knells , when banshee wails ; you know , the time is come .

  3. 在长时间屈从于女妖的诱惑之后,尤利塞斯(Ulysses)还能再把自己绑在甲板上吗?

    Can Ulysses bind himself again to the deck , having succumbed for so long to the sirens ' allure ?

  4. 在节日前夜的火烧霍利卡仪式(HolikaDahan)上,村民点燃篝火,重新演绎邪恶的女妖被烧死的情形。

    On the night of Holika Dahan , the eve of the festival , villagers light bonfires to reenact the destruction of the evil demoness .

  5. 女妖周:女妖产量加倍。

    Week of succubus : double growth for Succubi and infernal succubi .

  6. 风犹如钻入皮肤的女妖。

    Wind like a banshee got under people 's skin .

  7. 人类和女妖的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。

    Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow .

  8. 我很想知道,是不是我也会看见爱尔兰女妖。

    I wonder if I 'm going to see one .

  9. 像蛇发的女妖,变活人为岩石。

    And , Gorgon-like , turns active men to stone .

  10. 女妖在对地攻击上有什么改动?

    What are the chances of Banshees against ground units ?

  11. 他们是女妖,别听她们声音.

    They 're Sirens , don 't listen to them .

  12. 我马上要讲到的爱尔兰女妖,是个爱尔兰神话。

    A banshee , before I go on , is an Irish myth .

  13. 而你对她的感恩回报,就是像报丧女妖一样哭得天昏地暗。

    You thanked her by wailing like a banshee .

  14. 邪恶的女妖对王子施魔法,将他变成一只青蛙。

    Eg. the wicked fairy bewitched the prince and turned him into a frog .

  15. 你看起来就像个丧心病狂的女妖

    And you look like a demonic succubus .

  16. 珀尔修斯在密涅瓦和墨丘利的庇护下出发去征服这蛇发女妖。

    Perseus , favored by Minerva and Mercury , set out against the Gorgon .

  17. 库容他看到了一个鸟身女妖正在撕啄一个死去的士兵。

    Kratos finds a harpie ripping apart , whats left of a dead soldier .

  18. 蛊惑(某人)邪恶的女妖对王子施魔法,将他变成一只青蛙。

    Eg. The wicked fairy bewitched the prince and turned him into a frog . Vt.

  19. 女妖锡西把人变成了猪。

    Circe metamorphosed men into swine .

  20. 这位纳迦族公主的名字,和传说中能石化敌人的蛇发女妖一样。

    The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone .

  21. 女妖隐身去攻击神族的巨像,同时地面杀死了大量神族的步兵。

    The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry .

  22. 她不象普通的女店员。女神、女人、女妖&《西游记》中的女性形象系列探析

    She was not like common run of store-girls . Some Female Characters in Pilgrimage to the West

  23. 由于女妖能预知未来,因此她也就知道谁马上就要死去了。

    Since the banshee can predict the future , it knows who is going to die beforehand .

  24. 怎样也好,女妖之王还是说服了部落她的臣民只为了寻求自身的安全。

    However their queen has convinced the Horde that her people merely seek a cure for their condition .

  25. 女妖是幻想文学中常出现的形象之一,透过这一形象,可以揭示出其所承载的文化内涵。

    Seeing the image of witch , which often appears in literature , may find some culture connotation indicated .

  26. 我想告诉她,女妖天性敏感,她们会流泪哭泣,但从不嚎叫。

    Banshee keen , I wanted to tell her , they wail and weep , but they never howl .

  27. 一代代的挪威儿童都会听说到一些虚构的人物形象,如洞穴巨人、上女妖和小妖精。

    For generations , Norwegian children have been fed images of make-believe characters such as trolls , sirens and goblins .

  28. 我就在想,母亲见到女妖的一两个星期以后,太姥姥太姥爷在一周内相继去世了。

    Then I think one or two weeks later , my mom 's grandparents died – in the same week .

  29. (希腊神话)一个残暴的有翼妖怪;通常描述成鸟身女妖。

    ( Greek mythology ) vicious winged monster ; often depicted as a bird with the head of a woman .

  30. 坚持原则,不屈从于持享乐人生观的女妖的诱惑,这样的人生观将战无不胜。

    A life of principle , of not giving in to the seductive sirens of easy morality , will always win the day .