
  1. 不朽者是我在新P族兵器谱中的最爱之一。

    The Immortal turned out to be one of my favorite units in the new Protoss arsenal .

  2. 只有当“不朽者”遭受到非常强大的攻击时才会激活这个坚韧的护盾。

    It 's a hardened shield that activates only when the Immortal is struck by a very powerful attack .

  3. 该修复将同时防止不朽守护者将在目标被晕状态下转移目标。

    This fix will also prevent the Immortal Guardian from running away if their target is stunned .

  4. 我们同时计划针对不朽守护者可在进入近战范围前被强制性停止移动的漏洞进行修复。

    We 're also in the process of deploying a hotfix for an issue with Immortal Guardians that could cause them to pause their movement before reaching melee range .