
jié lüè zhě
  • Marauder;depredator
  1. 如今,昔日的海盗出现在南欧,而不是北欧;维京海盗时期贪婪的沿海劫掠者现在变成了投资银行的高管和交易员;茶党(TeaParty)斗士的狂热来自他们对自身正义的确信。

    Today , the Danes are in the south of Europe , not the north ; the greedy coastal raiders of Viking times are now the officers and traders of investment banks ; the Tea Party warriors enjoy the fanaticism that comes from the certainty that they are right .

  2. 岩石劫掠者是外域一种土生土长的物种。

    Rock flayers are one of Outland 's indigenous species .

  3. 这也使得安德森先生成为了一位重要的地球资源劫掠者。

    This also made Mr Anderson a considerable plunderer of the earth .

  4. 虽然劫掠者风筝掉了第一波防守力量,但是通过跃迁增援而来的星灵部队抵挡住了人类的反扑。

    The marauders kite the first wave of defenders away but newly-warped-in units finish off the terran attack .

  5. 他并不是叛军中的一份子,而只是做为一个劫掠者看到了机会并且抓住了它。

    He was not one of the Diadochi , but a freebooter who saw his chance and took it .

  6. 配合劫掠者的减速能力敌人往往在创造伤害之前就已经挂掉了。

    Combined with Marauders'slow ability means additional shots with Stim Pack often leading to that unit 's death before it can do damage .

  7. 同时,一伙新劫掠者重新接管了龙门客栈:白天是酒店老板,晚上则化身为寻宝者。

    Meanwhile , a new gang of marauders have taken over the Dragon Inn : innkeepers by day and treasure hunters by night .

  8. 劫掠者掠夺或抢劫者,尤指海盗获胜者是那个能够抢夺到对方魔杖的人。

    A person who pillages and plunders , especially a pirate . The winner is the one who manages to snatch the other 's wand .

  9. 他们全家人逃离的时候没能带走的东西都被捣毁。甚至老式的炉灶的烟筒也被劫掠者从天花板上扯下来,看看里面有没有什么值钱的东西。

    Whatever was left behind when the family fled was ransacked - even an old stove pipe ripped out of the ceiling to search for any hidden valuables .

  10. 这是个让人心潮澎湃的地方,荒凉而威严,不难想象它作为劫掠者的据点的样子。

    It is a stirring place , desolate and imposing , and not at all hard to imagine as the kind of stronghold from which one might have set out marauding .