
  • 网络The Marine;Biological - Marine;Send in the Marines
  1. 那个陆战队员要做的就是继续走他的路。

    All the marine had to do was just keep walking .

  2. 这是能让陆战队员射杀目标的最有效姿势。

    To enable a marine to effectively kill his target .

  3. 没有人会命令一位海军陆战队员“把那个箱子搬起来,再从A点挪到B点。”

    You don 't tell a Marine to " take that box from point A to point B by picking it up * . "

  4. 在CampPendleton的一个私人欢迎会上,海军陆战队员向施瓦辛格展示了一辆重14吨、有一座小房子大小的装甲车。施瓦辛格大加赞叹,并半开玩笑地说他也想要一辆自己开开。

    During a private reception at Pendleton , Mr. Schwarzenegger marveled when marines showed him a 14-ton armored vehicle the size of a small suburban home , noting half-jokingly that he 'd like one for his personal use .

  5. 在里根的任期里,有240位陆战队员死于贝鲁特。

    During reagan 's administration , 240 Marines killed in beirut .

  6. 你可以把自己叫做“文字牧人”或者“文案陆战队员”。

    You could dub yourself word herder or copy Cruncher instead .

  7. 陆战队员们对于伊拉克没什么好说的

    The Marines don 't have much to say about Iraq .

  8. 警察、前海军陆战队员、没成家、没负担。

    Decorated cop , ex-marine , no family , no commitments .

  9. 我儿子现是一名被派驻中东的海军陆战队员。

    My son is a marine now stationed in the Middle East .

  10. 我会派一队海军陆战队员来帮你们。

    I 'll send in a team of Marines to assist you .

  11. 强大的人类陆战队员,装备有自动脉冲来复枪。

    Powerful Terran marine armed with an automatic pulse rifle .

  12. 前海军陆战队员乔尔·史密斯是人道边境的业务经理。

    Ex-marine Joel Smith is operation manager for Humane Borders .

  13. 2001年,每装备一名美国海军陆战队员需花费2300美元。

    In 2001 , it cost $ 2,300 to equip a US marine .

  14. 一枚破击炮弹爆炸导致7名海军陆战队员死亡,6人受伤。

    A mortar shell explosion killed seven marines and injured a half-dozen others .

  15. 对一个陆战队员来说算是难念的。

    That 's a long word for a marine .

  16. 记不记得你第一次外勤?你采访了一个年轻的海军陆战队员?

    Do you remember your first embed ? You interviewed a young Marine ?

  17. 他说一大队海军陆战队员来到了麦克法兰中学

    He said a battalion of marines just arrived here at MacFarland Middle School

  18. 你是海军陆战队员,来到沙地阿拉伯。

    You 're a marine here in Saudi arabia .

  19. 我在乎的是这个混蛋杀了美国四名陆战队员。

    I care that this S.O.B. killed four of our United States Marines .

  20. 在他还是海军陆战队员时才会憎恨别人。

    Going back to his Marine Corps days .

  21. 两架直升机上的4名海军陆战队员全部罹难。

    Everybody four Marines in two helicopters died .

  22. 海军陆战队员从不丢下同伴。

    Marines don 't leave their own behind .

  23. 我们只想要那些称职的海军陆战队员。

    We only want those who have what it takes to be a marine .

  24. 任何爆炸伤害将同时伤害到它肚子里的陆战队员。

    Any explosive damage to him would also be dealt to the Marine inside .

  25. 让他们去对我们的海军陆战队员说吧!

    Let them tell that to the marines .

  26. 当一名海军陆战队员是我的追求。

    Being a marine meant everything to me .

  27. 欢迎所有来到硫磺岛的陆战队员们。

    Welcome , all Marines off lwo jima .

  28. 一个陆战队员的妻子昨天参加了她丈夫的葬礼。

    A marine wife buried her husband yesterday .

  29. 他们是消防员、警察、边境探员、医护人员和海军陆战队员。

    They are firefighters and police officers and border agents , medics and Marines .

  30. 四位美国海军陆战队员今天丧命。

    Four United States Marines are now dead .