Sales could disappoint if Microsoft fails to work out any potential kinks or if users are uncomfortable with the new interface .
Using chaos equation to produce passwords makes it more impossible to deduce the next password from a sequence of known passwords . So using this method will largely improve the security of systems .
However , it can 't deduce a necessary conclusion if the major premise of deductive dilemma is generally disjunctive judgement , whether it is the simple formation and refutation or the complicated one .
Aaron Jeng , analyst at Nomura , said that even if Google were to favour Motorola , that would not guarantee a successful product .
It 's just , you cannot push it beyond the limit .
This paper makes a deep research in IEEE 802.15.3a channel model , but this channel model is only applicable to Monte Carlo simulation , and we cannot derive the closed form solutions of the non-cooperative and cooperative IR-UWB systems .
Unfortunately , this also means that the car owners will have to perform the previous steps again until they cannot see bubbles coming out with the radiator coolant .
An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up . Have of may and there are typeface meaning and image meaning , but have no implicit meaning .
Therefore , the government cannot be uninformed to launch real estate policies which may aggravate the imbalance and also cannot seek the short-term policies of " Head hurt , treat head , feet hurt , treat feet " .