
  • 网络Ladies' Market;Ladies Market;Ladies' Street;Ladies Street;Woman Street
  1. 在北京最有名的一家女子时尚街区“女人街”上,就有一个“花花世界”&北京莱太花卉市场。

    Along the Ladies Street , a famous marketplace in Beijing that sells fashionable goods to women , there is a world of flower , known as the Laitai Flower Market .

  2. 女人街的销售放缓,似乎印证了Mak的商业直觉:在这段艰难时期,一些人宁愿租用正品,也不愿购买假货。

    The slowdown in sales at the Ladies ' Market seems to support Mr Mak 's entrepreneurial hunch that in these troubled times some people would rather rent the real thing than buy the fake .

  3. 我推荐女人街,那儿的麻辣烫非常出名。

    I recommend Ladies'Street . It 's famous for the spicy hotchpotch .

  4. 在女人街争女人大打出手。

    On the street , over a girl .

  5. 在东直门地铁站里碰头吧。那儿离女人街很近。

    Lily : At the Dongzhimen subway station . It 's near Nu Ren Jie .

  6. 去女人街好不好?那里卖衣服的小店特别多。

    What about going to Nu Ren Jie ? There are a lot of clothes stores there .

  7. 她开发的第一个项目是位于南京郊区的购物中心&女人街。该项目取得了巨大成功。

    The first project was a shopping mall called Women 's Street in a Nanjing suburb and which was a huge success .

  8. 在香港旅游热点女人街,出售假冒奢侈品的商贩同样感到了经济低迷的影响。

    In Hong Kong 's Ladies ' Market , a tourist hot spot , the traders of counterfeit luxury products are also feeling the downturn .

  9. 香港是一个真正的购物天堂,从大型豪华的购物中心,像太古广场和海港城,到露天市场如女人街和庙街,一应俱全。

    Hong Kong is a true shoppers paradise . From glistening mall like the Pacific Place and Harbour City to street markets like the ladys market and temple street .

  10. 嘎嘎小姐向2400万粉丝发布了这条有争议的消息:“我已经到曼谷了,宝贝!准备跟5万名泰国小怪兽们碰面。我想去女人街血拼,还想买块假劳力士表。”

    Gaga 's contentious tweet to her 24 million followers said : " I just landed in Bangkok baby ! Ready for 50000 screaming Thai monsters . I wanna get lost in a lady market and buy a fake rolex . "

  11. 人谁不承认这一点只需要沿着一个漂亮的女人在街上。

    People who refuse to admit this need only walk down the street with a beautiful woman .

  12. 而在一般情况下,在晚上一定时间后,女人在街上行走是很不合适的。

    And for normal occasions , it would inappropriate for women to walk in the street after certain hours at night .

  13. 这个被松鼠咬到的女人跑到街上,试图把用牙齿挂在她身上的松鼠抖下来。

    With the squirrel hanging on by its teeth , the woman ran out into the street , where she managed to shake the animal off .

  14. 女人们在街上哭泣。

    Women wept in the street .

  15. 一个再普通不过的春天,一个年轻的女人走在街上,看到一个小孩坐在街边哭泣。

    A young woman was walking down her street on a normal spring day when she saw a small child sitting beside the road and crying .

  16. 就在他发泄那股暴烈的怨气时,一个女人正从街上走过来。女人并没有听到男人骂了些什么,然而男人遵照魔鬼的指示:承受这些痛苦,并把它带给别人。

    Then , just as he lets out that stream of violent energy , a woman walking down the street nearby - who actually didn 't hear what the man said - did exactly what the devil had told the man to do , which was to take this pain and pass it along .

  17. 一个女人远远出现在街的尽头。

    A woman appeared at the far end of the street