
nǚ hái
  • girl;gal;gril;lass;colleen
女孩 [nǚ hái]
  • [gril] 小姑娘

女孩[nǚ hái]
  1. 她救下一个眼看要落入水中的小女孩。

    She saved a little girl from falling into the water .

  2. 法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。

    The court assumed responsibility for the girl 's welfare .

  3. 看到这么多女孩抽烟令我感到很沮丧。

    It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking .

  4. 比我高大的女孩过去总是追赶着胳肢我。

    The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me .

  5. 女孩通常缺乏自信,而男孩则往往会高估自己的能力。

    While girls lack confidence , boys often overestimate their abilities .

  6. 两个女孩挽着胳臂沿街漫步而行。

    The two girls linked arms as they strolled down the street .

  7. 小女孩抽泣着说:“我要妈妈。”

    ‘ I want my ma , ’ sobbed the little girl .

  8. 那女孩失踪使他们大惑不解。

    They were totally mystified by the girl 's disappearance .

  9. 你不是还在念念不忘那个女孩吧?

    You 're not still hung up on that girl ?

  10. 唐与他右边的女孩在专心交谈。

    Don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right .

  11. 警方对失踪的女孩已重新建档调查。

    Police have reopened the file on the missing girl .

  12. 故事情节逐渐展开,小女孩都入迷地听着。

    The girls listened in fascination as the story unfolded .

  13. 那小女孩轻得很。

    The little girl was as light as a feather .

  14. 小女孩向公主献上了一大束鲜花。

    The little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers .

  15. 她酷似我以前认识的一个女孩。

    She 's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know .

  16. 女孩紧紧地拉着她父亲的手。

    The girl held her father 's hand tightly .

  17. 两个女孩在父母遇害后由福利院收养。

    The two girls were taken into care after their parents were killed .

  18. 男孩、女孩我们完全同等对待。

    We treat boys exactly the same as girls .

  19. 这女孩闪身躲到树后不让其他孩子看见。

    The girl dodged behind a tree to hide from the other children .

  20. 她不是那种类型的女孩。

    She isn 't that kind of girl .

  21. 我让小女孩站到椅子上,好让她看得见。

    I stood the little girl on a chair so that she could see .

  22. 女孩比男孩性成熟早。

    Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys .

  23. 医生们不惜一切地奋力抢救小女孩的生命。

    Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl 's life .

  24. 我过去是个很贪玩的女孩,从来不知道认真学习。

    I was too much of a good-time girl to do any serious studying .

  25. 站在简身后的女孩是谁?

    Who 's the girl standing behind Jan ?

  26. 她是个腼腆的女孩,需要朋友帮助克服羞怯心理。

    She 's a shy girl who needs friends to bring her out of herself .

  27. 据说那幅画像很像袭击那个女孩的歹徒。

    The drawing is said to be a good likeness of the girl 's attacker .

  28. 她真是个古怪的女孩。

    She 's a really weird girl .

  29. 当时我只是个从小镇出来的小女孩,自觉十分渺小。

    I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant .

  30. 一个年纪大些的女孩对我很友善。

    An older girl befriended me .