
  • 网络actresses
  1. 无论什么时候,只要知名女演员们聚在一起,去演绎一部“女性题材电影”,那毫无疑问里面准是一堆多愁善感的故事。

    Whenever famous actresses get together to make a ' woman 's film ' you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush .

  2. 在金球奖(GoldenGlobes)和奥斯卡奖(Oscars)等颁奖典礼上,他看到女演员们身穿鱼尾礼服在一群摄影师面前整理妆容,摆姿势。

    He had seen actresses in their fishtail dresses preening and posing before the phalanxes of photographers at ceremonies like the Golden Globes and the Oscars .

  3. 他将对女演员们飞吻,活动结束后,他将和超模罗西·亨廷顿-怀特利(RosieHuntington-Whiteley)一起在舞台上上演百老汇戏剧式的送别场面。

    He 'll air-kiss actresses and , when it 's all done , take the stage for a Broadway-style send-off next to the supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley .

  4. 相比之下,为MiuMiu2015年秋季系列代言的女演员们在Instagram上的粉丝总计约3.87万,包括麦迪逊·布朗(MaddisonBrown)、黑莉·盖茨(HaileyGates)和米娅·戈特(MiaGoth)。

    By contrast , actresses who appear in Miu Miu 's fall 2015 campaign , including Maddison Brown , Hailey Gates and Mia Goth , have a combined Instagram following of about 38700 .

  5. 女演员们穿着鲜艳的古装。

    The actresses were wearing vivid historical costumes .

  6. 如果上述说法对今年参加戛纳评奖的男演员是好消息的话,那么女演员们最好现在就放弃在奥斯卡获奖的希望。

    If that bodes well for some of the actors at Cannes this year , the actresses might as well give up right now .

  7. 然而,收入差距依然存在,位列榜单的15位男演员的总收入达22500万美元,而位列榜单的女演员们的总收入仅为20850万美元。

    However , the wage gap still persists with the combined wealth of all 15 men on the list being $ 225 million , whereas it is $ 208.5million for the highest-paid actresses .

  8. 她尽可能地忽视明星身份带来的那些东西,也建议年轻的女演员们不要玩社交媒体,因为社交媒体“制造了一种自我意识文化”。

    She ignores the trappings of celebrity as best she can , and advises younger actresses not to go on social media , which " creates a culture of self-consciousness . " She is drawn to figures who

  9. 那位女演员和记者们开起了玩笑。

    The actress bantered with reporters .

  10. 这位女演员与记者们互相逗笑。

    The actress exchanged banter with reporters .

  11. 世界上最有魅力的贵族、女演员和政客们的妻子都穿过他设计的礼服。

    He dressed the world 's most glamorous aristocrats , actresses and politicians " wives .

  12. 女演员的粉丝们伸长脖子想要一睹他们偶像的风采。

    The fans of the actress craned their necks to catch a glimpse of their idol .

  13. 韩国化妆品在中国市场上很吃香,这部分得益于过去十年风靡亚洲的韩流电影和音乐中的女演员和歌手们。

    Korean cosmetics have a marketable cachet in that country , in part thanks to actresses and singers from the Korean wave of films and music that have taken Asia by storm over the past decade .