
nǚ juàn
  • a harem;the womenfolk of a family
女眷 [nǚ juàn]
  • [womenfolk of a family] 指女性眷属

女眷[nǚ juàn]
  1. 巡官客客气气告辞了女眷们。

    The sergeant took a polite leave of the ladies .

  2. 母亲和我睡在楼下专门给女眷睡觉的区域。

    My mother and I stayed in the women 's quarters downstairs .

  3. 这些孩子是在女眷内室里养大的。

    The children were brought up in the harem .

  4. 我们这种采买旅行很少会见到女眷啊卡文迪许夫人

    We don 't usually get wives on these buying trips , Mrs. Cavendish .

  5. 海滩边的象海豹一头雄性象海豹独自伏在女眷群旁边,向里张望着。

    Elephant Seal Near ShoreOutside looking in , a lone male elephant seal lurks at the edge of a harem .

  6. 她用一只眼睛斜睨着孩子,草草记下了女眷们修身养性回来之后她该做的事情。

    With one eye on him , she scribbled down what she must do after the women returned from their retreat .

  7. 同族的女眷们也会挑篮提篓,她们还在新米上放上鸡蛋,表示对新生命诞生最诚心的祝福。

    Other women in the village would also send baskets with new rice and eggs . That represents the most sincere blesses for the newly-born .

  8. 费茨廉的风度大受牧师家里人的称道,女眷们都觉得他会使罗新斯宴会平添不少情趣。

    COLONEL Fitzwilliam 's manners were very much admired at the parsonage , and the ladies all felt that he must add considerably to the pleasure of their engagements at Rosings .

  9. 这样,小偷被查了出来,并立即被送进了监狱。躲在门外偷看的女眷们也连忙走了进来。

    In this way the thief was found out and was immediately taken away to prison . The women , who had been peeking from the side door , hastily filed back into the hall .

  10. 女眷们看得非常明白,费茨威廉来访,是因为他喜欢跟她们在一起……这当然使人家愈加喜欢他,伊丽莎白跟他在一起就觉得很满意,他显然也爱慕伊丽莎白,这两重情况使伊丽莎白想起了她以前的心上人乔治·韦翰;

    It was plain to them all that Colonel Fitzwilliam came because he had pleasure in their society , a persuasion which of course recommended him still more ; and Elizabeth was reminded by her own satisfaction in being with him , as well as by his evident admiration of her , of her former favourite George Wickham ;

  11. 有一天上午,大约是彬格莱和吉英订婚之后的一个星期,彬格莱正和女眷们坐在饭厅里,忽然听到一阵马车声,大家都走到窗口去看,只见一辆四马大轿车驶进园里来。

    ONE morning , about a week after Bingley 's engagement with Jane had been formed , as he and the females of the family were sitting together in the dining room , their attention was suddenly drawn to the window , by the sound of a carriage ; and they perceived a chaise and four driving up the lawn .