
  • 网络LIGUSTRUM;Ligustrum lucidum Ait
  1. 胚胎学特征显示女贞属与茉莉属有较近的亲缘关系,支持木犀科分成3亚科的分类。

    Comparative embryology shows the close relationship between Ligustrum and Jasminum and supports the classification that Oleaceae can be divided into three subfamily .

  2. 属的分布比较分散,以木兰属、女贞属和鸢尾属较多。

    The distribution of genus is scattered , Magnolia Ligustrum and Iris are more , martyrs Park is located in subtropical regions , and so has obvious characteristics .

  3. 四川女贞属(Ligustrum)一新变种

    A new variety of Ligustrum lucidum ( Oleaceae ) from Sichuan Province

  4. 从女贞属植物女贞(LigustrumlucidumAit.)的果实中分离鉴定了7个化合物,其中Ⅰ~Ⅵ系从该属植物中首次分离得到的已知化合物;

    Seven compounds were isolated and identified from the fruits of Ligustrum lucidum Ait . Compounds ⅰ to ⅵ were isolated for the first time from the plants of this genus .

  5. 在贵州,苦丁茶原植物有6科6属9种,主流品种为木樨科女贞属植物粗壮女贞〔Ligustrumrobustum(Roxb.)Bl.〕。

    In Guizhou , there are 9 species which belong to 6 families and 6 genera are used as its original materials . Among them , Ligustrum robustum ( Roxb . ) Bl. have a wide distribution and rich in plant resources .