
  • 网络Poncirus;Poncirus Raf
  1. 两对互补的显性基因控制着柑桔属和枳属的无融合生殖

    Two Complementary Dominant Genes Controlling Apomixis in Genus Citrus and Poncirus

  2. 枳属36份特异种质的AFLP指纹图谱构建与分析

    Construction of AFLP Fingerprint of 36 Poncirus accessions

  3. 结果表明枳属植物具有极大的开发潜力。指出集中供热是一个具有极大发展潜力的行业。

    It could be concluded that the plants of this genus Hovenia have potential to be exploited . In the end author emphasized that the central heat supply is an industry with development potential .

  4. 枳与柑橘属的关系较远,枳不大可能是从柑橘属衍生而来;

    Poncirus was distant from Citrus , which suggested that Poncirus could not be derived from Citrus .