
  • 【电影】Monster
  1. 她是一个独裁者,一个女魔头。

    She was a dictator and a demon

  2. Cruella《黑白魔女库伊拉》库伊拉·德维尔在变成《101斑点狗》里杀狗成狂的女魔头之前是什么样的呢?

    Who was Cruella de Vil before she became the puppy-cidal maniac1 we met in 101 Dalmatians ?

  3. 不管她和Kramer离婚(克莱默夫妇)还是在穿普拉达(时尚女魔头)

    Whether she 's divorcing kramer , whether she 's wearing prada .

  4. 安妮·海瑟薇出现在《穿普拉达的女魔头》首映式现场,她的礼服来自Valentino的2006年秋冬系列。

    Anne Hathaway wore this Valentino FW2006 dress to the The Devil Wears Prada NYC Premiere .

  5. 2006年安妮·海瑟薇出演了电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》里人见人爱的AndySacks,也是直到这时后我们才开始关注她的衣橱。

    It wasn 't until 2006 when Anne Hathaway played The Devil Wears Prada 's lovable Andy Sacks that we started keeping an eye on her wardrobe .

  6. 我们可以称它为《穿普拉达的女魔头》(DevilWearsPrada)经济。这本小说以《Vogue》长期主编安娜·温图尔(AnnaWintour)为创作原型。

    Call it the " Devil Wears Prada " economy , after the novel depicting life working for a fictionalized Anna Wintour , the longtime Vogue editor .

  7. 在《穿Prada的女魔头》中,梅丽尔-斯特里普其实只穿了1次Prada,但最终却成了整部电影里最显著的广告。

    In The Devil Wears Prada , the Prada dress only appears once on Meryl Streep , but it turns out to be the most striking ad in the whole movie .

  8. 劳伦·魏丝伯格(LaurenWeisberger)的《穿普拉达的女魔头》是根据她1999年至2000年在《Vogue》担任温图尔助理的经历创作的。这本小说2006年被改编成电影,由梅丽尔·斯特里普(MerylStreep)和安妮·海瑟薇(AnneHathaway)主演。

    Lauren Weisberger , the author of " The Devil Wears Prada , " based her book - which inspired a 2006 movie starring Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway - on her tour as Ms. Wintour 's assistant at Vogue in 1999 and 2000 .

  9. 最终,女魔头吉哈(Geh,别称Jeh、Jahi)立下诅咒:站在正义一方的人畜必将承受灾难与瘟疫的折磨,整个光明世界必将成为修罗场。

    Various demons worked to bring their evil lord out of his stupor , which was finally accomplished by Geh ( or Jeh or Jahi ) , the whore demoness , who promised to bring affliction and pestilence onto righteous men , oxen , and the entire pure world .

  10. 众所周知,女魔头们接受不了这样的玩笑。

    Harpies are notoriously bad at taking that kind of joke .

  11. 而且那个女魔头还跟每家公司都说我的坏话。

    But the Dragon lady 's blackballed me from every firm in the city .

  12. 你真是个女魔头。

    You 're one evil bitch .

  13. 库伊拉·德维尔在变成《101斑点狗》里杀狗成狂的女魔头之前是什么样的呢?

    Who was Cruella de Vil before she became the puppy-cidal maniac we met in 101 Dalmatians ?

  14. 电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》首映式

    The Devil Wears Prada premiere

  15. 如果没有克里斯蒂娜-里希,我就不能出演《女魔头》的女主角。

    My incredible , incredible leading lady Christina Ricci , who I couldn 't have done this film without .

  16. 据《好莱坞报道》报导,主演过《时尚女魔头》的安妮·海瑟薇计划出演反对红女王的白女王,而红女王则将由海伦娜·邦汉·卡特扮演。

    The Devil Wears Prada actress is slated for the role of the White Queen opposite Bonham Carter 's Red Queen , according to the Hollywood Reporter .

  17. 查理兹·塞隆曾多次出演过绝色美女,但影评人对她的真正认可和喜爱来自于她在《女魔头》中的角色。

    Charlize Theronhas appeared in roles of fatal beauties many times , but the true recognition and love of movie critics came with her role in Monster .

  18. 曾出演《穿普拉达的女魔头》的女演员艾米莉布朗特曾表示:我总是惶恐不安,担心当我踏出车门时,所有人都厌恶我的装束。

    I always get that panic when I step out of the car that everyone is going to hate it , Devil Wears Prada actress Emily Blunt said .

  19. 但凡事都有例外,现在,这位61岁的时尚女魔头就绞尽脑汁地想说服凯特王妃当她的封面女郎。

    But one of the exceptions , it seems , is the Duchess of Cambridge , who the61-year-old is said to be desperate to feature on the magazine 's cover .

  20. 很显然,这与汉密尔顿女士在网上勾划老板形象有关。她的老板是现代职场上凶狠的女魔头之一,据悉这些女魔头甚至已在加州之外兴旺发达起来。

    Apparently , it had something to do with Ms Hamilton 's online profiles of her boss , one of those harpies of the modern workplace known to thrive even outside California .

  21. 就是这样一位韩范儿美女实则时尚女魔头,在男人厮杀的商场里尽显自己的精明和能干,实力和技巧绝不输于其他人。

    This is a beautiful child Hanfan actually Devil fashion , the men fighting in the store show their smart and capable , strength and skill will not lose to other people .

  22. 海瑟薇曾因2008年的一部《蕾切尔的婚礼》而获得奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,还曾出演喜剧《公主日记》和《时尚女魔头》。

    Hathaway earned a best-actress Oscar nomination for 2008 's " Rachel Getting Married " and starred in such comedies as " The Princess Diaries " and " The Devil Wears Prada . "

  23. 媒体称她为“恐怖女魔头”,此时女权主义者们在为海蒂的辩护中集结起来,称她是性别歧视的受害者,还筹措了为她的辩护费用。

    The press referred to her as a " repellent she-devil , " while women 's rights advocates rallied in her defense , claiming she was none other than a victim of gender inequality .

  24. 2006年上映的电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》中有一个场景,安妮•海瑟薇扮演的安德莉亚•萨克斯因为精心打扮而改头换面,从而在工作上有了更出色的表现。

    There 's a scene in the 2006 movie " The Devil Wears Prada " where Anne Hathaway 's character , Andrea Sachs , gets a makeover that literally makes her better at her job .

  25. 在另一个版本的传说中,吉哈是阿里曼手下头号“人尽可夫的女魔头”,被认为是肮脏的女人,同她接触过的男人都会被其玷污,偏离正途。

    Another version of the myth has Geh becoming Ahriman 's chief " whore demon , " meant to defile women , who will in turn defile men so they turn away from their proper work .

  26. 但是现如今世界已经改变了,今天,大部分男人都说,他们最喜欢我演的角色是《穿着普拉达的女魔头》里面那个时尚杂志《天桥云裳》的总编辑,饱受批评的极端主义者米兰达。

    Now in a measure of how much the world has changed . The character most men mention as their favorite , is Miranda Priestly , the beleaguered totalitarian at the head of Runway magazine in Devil Wears Prada .

  27. 据称,斯嘉丽一举击败了包括了艾米-亚当斯和瑞秋-麦克亚当斯在内女星,最终获得了这一角色,由《时尚女魔头》的艾莲-布洛什-麦肯纳负责改编剧本。

    Johansson beat out other equally talented and beautiful actresses like Amy Adams and Rachel McAdams to take the role in Crowe 's adaptation which he also scripted with Aline Brosh McKenna ( The Devil Wears Prada , Morning Glory ) .