
  • 网络creamed corn;Cream corn
  1. 人们对麝鼠肉喜爱有加。这道主菜对于密歇根人来说可能有点不同寻常:一锅奶油玉米炖麝鼠。

    The main dish might be unusual at a Michigan group 's annual dinner : a pot of muskrat meat mixed with creamed corn .

  2. 它不接受预订的附加条件也许看起来很随意,但年轻厨师精心推出了用奶油玉米、白萝卜以及葡萄搭配的牛颊肉这等精美绝伦的大餐。

    His no-reservations annex might look more relaxed but Le Richer 's young chefs are turning out sophisticated dishes such as veal cheek with creamy polenta , daikon radish and grapes .

  3. 比如说雀巢KitKat就拥有上百种不同种类规格的威化饼,从而使得这一牌子变得十分受欢迎,有奶油、红茶、玉米、草莓芝士等口味。

    Kit Kat , for example , has hundreds of different varieties of their standard chocolate bar , leading to the brand becoming incredibly popular . Flavors include soy sauce , royal tea , corn and strawberry cheesecake .