
  • 网络good team
  1. 效果可谓立竿见影’,他们好比是在问:‘这(谷歌)是一个值得合作的好团队吗?

    They were like , ' is this a good team to work with ?

  2. 马云在影片中说:如果我们是一个好团队而且清楚自己想要做什么,那么我们便可以以一当十。

    If we are a good team and know what we want to do , one of us can defeat ten of them .

  3. 一项针对办公室矛盾的调查显示,某个人的坏行为能像病毒一样传播感染,最终带坏同事或者破坏一个好团队。

    One " bad apple " can spread negative behaviour like a virus to bring down officemates or destroy a good team , according to a new study examining conflict in the workplace .

  4. 组队旅游时,如若没有提前讨论好团队的旅游安排,在抵达目的地之后,你们便会浪费许多时间来决定要做的事。

    When traveling in a group , a lot of time can be wasted trying to figure out what to do once you get there - if this hasn 't been discussed ahead of time .

  5. 在项目管理过程中,要注重团队精神建设,把握好团队建设的方法,用沟通,协调和组织与激励的方法建设好团队,才能产生合力,达成目标,最终把项目工作做好。

    In the course of project management , attention should be paid to team spirit construction , hold of team building , the method to coordinate and organizing and encouraging the group well , who produce with joint efforts , reach the goal , finish the project .

  6. AlanAtlas也分享他关于首先要挑选好试点团队,而不是太过关注试点项目的观点。

    Alan Atlas also shared his thoughts about picking the pilot teams first rather than focusing too much on the pilot projects .

  7. 这四种风格在好的团队中会达到一种平衡。

    The best teams have a balance of all four styles .

  8. 我们觉得我们有一支真的很好的团队。

    We feel like we 've got a really good group .

  9. 瀑布方法在小的项目和协调很好的团队中可以工作。

    Waterfall methods may work on smaller projects and for well-coordinated teams .

  10. 你需要一个好的团队。

    You need a good team of people to work with you .

  11. 我也对我成为一个很好的团队球员而自豪。

    I 'm also proud of being a good teammate .

  12. 贝斯:那可不是好的团队。

    Beth : That 's not a good team then .

  13. 组织一个好的团队,然后放手让他们自己行事。

    Put together a good team and then let them do their job .

  14. 怎样组建一个好的团队。

    A good team needs a good leader .

  15. 有好的团队,才能创造出一流的工作业绩。

    Have a good team , in order to create a first-class job performance .

  16. 对于好的团队成员的低消耗时成功的信号。

    A low attrition rate for good team members is a sign of success .

  17. 我还需使自己和好的赞助商、好的团队一起同心协力。

    I also needed to align myself with quality sponsors and a quality team .

  18. 责任心强,具有很好的团队精神。

    Have a strong sense of responsibility , have the very good team spirit .

  19. 他们有很好的团队精神。

    They have a good team spirits .

  20. 我想如果我们有一个很好的团队合作,就会好很多。

    I think if we have a better teamwork , it will be much better .

  21. 较高的谈判技术,很好的团队精神,具有采购水平的正式证明

    Good negotiating skills , Good team player . Official evidence of good performance in purchasing

  22. 你是一位好的团队合作者吗?

    Are you a good team player ?

  23. 在挑选好管理团队后,他让2000多个不称职的员工提前退休了。

    After picking his team , he sent 2,000 of his rejects off to early retirement .

  24. 好的团队是确保你创业成功的最重要因素。

    A great founding team is the single most important factor in ensuring your business succeeds .

  25. 为什么不呢?我们是一个好的团队。我们将在到期前完成。

    Why not ? we 're usually a good team . We 'll make the due date then .

  26. 我有一个很好的团队,我信任他们,但你要了解事情的进展。

    I have a good team who I trust , but you want to know what is going on .

  27. 我有三年的品质管理经验,这培养了我严谨的工作态度和很好的团队合作精神。

    With three years'experience on QC , I have developed my meticulous working attitude and I also emphasize teamwork .

  28. 平均说来,那些在某项任务上做得好的团队其他任务也完成得比较好。

    On average , the groups that did well on one task did well on the others , too .

  29. 我们不是以最佳状态打入决赛圈的,但是每一场比赛我们都在提高并且形成了好的团队。

    We didn 't go into the tournament on song , but we improved with each game and hit good form .

  30. 要表现得你是一个好的团队成员并表明你心里想着公司更大的利益。

    Show you 're a team player and demonstrate that you 've got the greater good of the organization at heart .