
  1. 一位好图书管理员有一个大图书馆在我们的学校。

    A Good Librarian Thrs a big library in our school .

  2. 与实用、功利保持适当距离,不即不离,处理好图书工作与科研、研究与收益、理论与实践、研究成果与读者服务等几种关系。

    He should keep a proper psychological distance from utilitarian and practical needs , neither over nor distanced , so that he could correctly handle the relations between service and research , research and profit , theory and practice , and research and readers'service .

  3. 你想要安排杜普瑞和一个非常好的图书管理员约会?

    You want to fix Dupree up with a really nice librarian ?

  4. 多谢提供这么好的图书。

    Who is this book for ?

  5. 它的唯一很好的图书,教科书,适合各个层次和年龄的群体。

    It 's an excellent book , with materials suitable for all levels and age assembles .

  6. 好的图书管理员还应该能够为需要公司图书馆查找研究资料和信息的员工提供帮助。

    A good librarian will also be able to offer assistance to staff who need to use the company library to find research materials and information .

  7. 15年前,正在尝试写一本商业著作的我花了数小时搜寻经典商业图书,寻找有关哪些要素会让一本好的商业图书“管用”的灵感。

    Fifteenyears ago , I spent hours scouring business classics , seeking inspiration forwhat made a good business book " work , " as I was attempting to write my own .

  8. 但目前所使用的图书馆管理系统大多不能很好地解决图书评价问题,更不能给图书馆管理者提供有效的决策依据。

    In view of the library management systems used at present , most of them have defects such as unable to solve the book evaluation and to provide the librarian with effective decision-making references .