
  • 网络antique copper and bronze ware
  1. 一般把他看作是古铜器研究的权威。

    He is generally regarded as an authority on ancient bronzes .

  2. 这一鉴定结果为研究少数民族古代的冶炼技术提供必要数据,并为保护古铜器的研究工作提供科学依据。

    These identification results provide necessary data for studying the metallurgical technique of ancient minor nationalities and give scientific basis for preserving ancient copperware research work .

  3. 这些古铜器包括铜尊、铜鼎,鼎多为三足或四足,用以盛食或谷物;这几件古铜器被擦得洗亮夺目。

    " among the finds are zun ( jars ), Ding ( cauldrons ), which is a three legged or four-legged cauldron for holding meat and cereal crop ;" These old pieces of brass have polished up beautifully .