
  • 网络Smoke;like smoke;smoky
  1. 你的如烟的眼神和美丽的祈祷。

    Your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes .

  2. 旧事如烟,像是看过一场片子,听过的一支歌,逛过的名胜,过去便是过去,无凭无据。

    News like smoke , like watching a movie , listen to a song , visited attractions , the past is the past , no with no data .

  3. 他表示:传统SRI反应的是特定客户的观点,也许是一家教堂或是一个慈善基金表达自己对某些领域的不满,如烟草或军火。

    Traditional SRI reflected the views of specific clients , maybe a church or charity fund expressing its dislike of certain sectors , such as tobacco or arms .

  4. 达拉斯住宅开发商StreetLightsResidential的首席财务长汤姆・贝克维尔(TomBakewell)说,他很早以前就见过业内有人使用工业香味掩盖刺鼻的味道,比如烟味和老旧建筑里的霉臭味。

    Tom Bakewell , the chief financial officer of StreetLights Residential in Dallas , says he has long seen industrial fragrances used in the industry to mask ' offensive ' smells , like cigarette smoke and the mustiness of older buildings .

  5. 产烟曲霉酸等甾型抗生素的真菌,例如烟曲霉和金龟子绿僵菌等,具有优良的甾体羟化和C1,2位脱氢能力。

    Aspergillus fumigatus and Metarhizium anisopliae , fungi which produce steroid antibiotics like helvolic acid , have a great capability for steroid hydroxylation and C1,2 dehydrogenation .

  6. 实际上,养蜂场里的和健康食品店中的未经加工的生蜂蜜确实含有多种维生素和矿物质,如烟酸、核黄素、维生素B1、B6等,但它们的总量也只占到2%。

    While raw , unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin , riboflavin , thiamine and vitamin B6 , they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .

  7. 往事如烟,它经历了痛苦与曲折,也包含了喜悦与成功。

    The past things are include painful , joyful and successful .

  8. 你为何向你草场的羊发怒如烟冒出呢?

    Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture ?

  9. 网事如烟&北美华文网络文学20年

    Reminiscences of North-American Chinese Literature in the Internet in the Past Twenty Years

  10. 如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。

    Forget all the past smoke , heart selfless heaven and earth wide .

  11. 如烟斗附带滤芯,参赛者可去除之。

    Should the pipe have a filter , the participant may remove it .

  12. 坠毁了影如烟,人的自尊被撕成碎片。

    The crashing and smoking , the pride of the men in their pieces .

  13. 九月的阳光普照深蓝色的天空,撒满大地。薄雾如烟,与秋漫舞。

    The mist swirls and September sun shines through the deep-blue sky of September .

  14. 如烟融入所有的生命。

    If cigarette melts enter all life .

  15. 转眼都飘散如烟

    Now it 's gone like the smoke

  16. 内在的力量和自我依赖之于我,就有如烟酒之于其他人。

    Inner resources and self-reliance are to me as cigarettes and alcohol are to others .

  17. 往事如烟,袭上他那郁闷的心头。

    Memories beset his brooding brain .

  18. 戒烟者使用如烟后焦虑症状和烟碱戒断症状得到缓解程度高于其他两组。

    And the symptoms of nicotine withdraw is lighter in RUYAN group than the other tow groups .

  19. 清晨那如烟的雾。

    The smoky morning haze .

  20. 我们只是不包括某些产品'敏感'类型,如烟草和摩托车气缸容量高。

    We are only excluding certain'sensitive'types of products , such as tobacco and high cylinder capacity motorbikes .

  21. 宋昆笔下的山水如烟似梦,被雾水,泡沫和金属物体遮挡。

    Views are obstructed and blurred by objects in the foreground , fog , bubbles and metal bars .

  22. 诗102:3因为我的年日、如烟云消灭、我的骨头、如火把烧著。

    For my days have been consumed in smoke , And my bones have been scorched like a hearth .

  23. 成熟的黑莓香中蕴涵着丰富的香料味道,如烟草,肉豆蔻和雪松。

    It has a spicy , ripe blackberry aroma that shows hints of tobacco , nutmeg , and cedar .

  24. 历史意识构成了《欲望如烟》内在的创作动机,而在作品中它只能让读者通过对历史的回忆。

    As far as I see , arts education is to be accomplished through the acknowledgement of historic consciousness .

  25. 经济作物为直接出售而非作为家畜饲料而种植的庄稼,如烟草。

    Cash crop is a crop , such as tobacco , grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed .

  26. 皮肤和羽毛会沾上周围的环境的气味,比如烟味和烹调油的味道。

    D.The skin and feathers will pick up odors from their environment , such as cigarette smoke and cooking oil .

  27. 本文研究了直立管式结构如烟囱、电线杆等的抗风防灾分析和经济损失估算。

    For vertical pipe structure such as chimney and wire pole , the wind-induced disaster and economic loss were studied .

  28. 当年,那所乌克兰核电站的屋顶被掀翻,如烟囱一般将核微粒喷洒向四面八方。

    The Ukrainian plant blew its top , literally , and spewed , chimney like , nuclear fallout far and wide .

  29. 老远望去,山巅伏霜如烟;白蒙蒙的烟霭,从雪白多树的山顶上袅袅上升,仿佛从烟囱里冒出来的。

    The far summit fairly smoked with frost ; white vapors curled up from its white-wooded top , as from a chimney .

  30. 技工厨师已经开始在家固化产品,如烟熏三文鱼,木瓜,面包,黄油和咸菜,桃果冻。

    YubaNet-Artisan chefs have started home-curing products such as smoked salmon , pancetta , bread and butter pickles , and peach jelly .