
  1. 贝拉:因为你所以我还活着。

    Bella : I 'm alive because of you .

  2. invite:邀请deference:尊重havedinner:吃饭她们邀请了我,等等。但我说因为你所以我不会的。

    Serena : Because they invited me , But I said no out of deference to you .

  3. 因为你,所以我才能摧毁终结者。

    Because of you , I was able to finish off the Terminator .

  4. 因为爱你,所以我指出你的错误;

    Because I love you , so I pointed out your mistakes ;

  5. 因为你不幸,所以我可以知道我是幸运的。

    You are unlucky so I may know that I am not .

  6. 因为爱你,所以我委屈了我自己。

    Because I love you so I wronged me myself .

  7. 眼泪说:因为没有你,所以我还在。

    Tears , said : because without you , so I am still .

  8. 2.因为你爱我所以我爱�

    because you love me , so i love you

  9. 但只是因为你注意我所以我才注意你。

    But I 'm only attracted to you because of your attracton to me .

  10. 因为你开心,所以我也开心。

    I was happy because you were happy .

  11. 因为你喜欢石头所以我喜欢你。

    I love you because you love rocks .

  12. 因为你为人正直,所以我尊敬你。

    I respect you for your honesty .

  13. 因为你是爱丽丝所以我知道你会相信我的

    But you 've always been Alice.And that 's how I know you 'll believe me .

  14. 因为你投降了,所以我不罚你。

    Inasmuch as you have confessed , I will not punish you .

  15. 因为你没有离开,所以我还在

    Because You did not leave , that is why I am still here

  16. 因为你今天毕业,所以我暂且放过你。

    I 'll let you go this time since you 're graduating today .

  17. 是不是因为你爱我所以对我如此高的期望?

    Is it because you love me that y'all expect so much of me ?

  18. 正因为我爱你,所以我无法对你这么自私。

    And it 's because I love that I can 't be selfish with you .

  19. 因为你我同在,所以我希望你们能够明白我们是好朋友。

    Because we are here , I just hope you can understand we are good friends .

  20. 你现在会想,因为你那样认为,所以我就是那样的了。

    Nowyou 'll think about it , and because you think about it , I 'll be it .

  21. 因为我爱你,所以我把我们的名字放在一个圆圈,而不是一个心。

    I love you , so I put our name in a circle , instead of a heart .

  22. 因为你想防晒,所以我推荐不管防晒系数是多少,每隔两个小时涂一次。

    Because you want to be safe from the sun , I 'd recommend applying every 1-2 hours , no matter the SPF .

  23. 事隔快两年了,此刻写到这里,我发现了斯小姐在诬告中的自相矛盾:她说“麦德在剧中说:‘因为你是黑人,所以我恨你!’”

    This event almost happened two years ago , as I look back upon it now , I see that I missed an important point . Ms.S said that Matt had said ," I hate you , because you are black . "

  24. 真诚的恳求上帝让我不要离开你,或是让我跟随在你身后因为你到哪里我就会去到哪里,因为你的停留所以我停留。你爱的人将成为我爱的人,你的主也会成为我的主。

    Entreat me not to leave you , or to return from following after you , For where you go I will go , and where you stay I will stay Your people will be my people , and your God will be my God .