
  • 网络Because I Said So
  1. 他们问他为什么不借,他回答说万能的鲍伯的意志不是他们可以知道的;他们又问他为什么不可以,他回答说因为我这么说了。

    They asked him why not and he said that it was not for them to know the will of Almighty Bob , and when they asked him why not again he said because he said so .

  2. 为什么?因为我就是这么说的!

    Because I said so , that 's why .

  3. 我倒不是因为我儿子才这么说

    And I 'm not just saying that ' cause he 's my kid , but ...

  4. 我真的很喜欢她‘知识就是力量’的说法,因为我也一直这么说。

    I really love that she said knowledge is power because I say that all the time .

  5. 你喝醉了吧?我非得喝酒,因为医生跟我这么说的,如果我不每天喝酒就会死的。

    Are you drunk ? I have to drink my doctor said if I do not drink every day I will die etc.

  6. 吕震中本:因为主对我这么说∶「你去立个守望者,叫他将所看见的报告出来。

    GWT : This is what the Lord says to me : Post a watchman . Have him report whatever he sees .

  7. 因为我知道他们这么说,保罗回答道,我想知道他们这么说是什么意思,弗洛伊。可是门上传来很响的敲门声,弗洛伦斯急忙走到桌旁,姐弟两人就没有再说什么话。

    ' Because I know they say so , ' returned Paul , ' and I want to know what they mean , Floy . ' But a loud double knock coming at the door , and Florence hurrying to the table , there was no more said between them .

  8. “因为我的妈妈是这么说的”可不是一个让人满意的答案。

    ErnestHemingway said that writing is a craft without a master .