
  • 网络If Inscribe;Such as problem;ATT
  1. 如题所示,请勿发表不河蟹内容。

    As the title suggests , not published without good content .

  2. 各位,如题。就是通过这次事例,我想到了一些改进措施的意思。

    Ladies and Gentlemen , this case has enabled me to get some measures for improvement .

  3. 所以,“只要货币供应不增加,通货膨胀就不可能无限制地继续下去”(如题)的说法是完全正确的。

    So , the parlance of " as long as currency the supply doesn 't increase , inflation impossibly and without limit continue next go to "( like ) is completely correct .

  4. 如题所示,我真的希望我能读过酒店评价才做选择。我看了一些,但是只是冰山一角。

    As the title says , I really wish I had read the reviews on this site . I had seen some but taken them with a pinch of salt . Oops !

  5. 论文对计算机在线考试模式进行了深入探讨,如题库的生成管理、组卷、自动阅卷、评卷等。系统采用包括管理员、教师和考生的三级授权方式,提高了系统的安全性。

    By comparing traditional testing and online testing , this paper explores such key technology as generating and managing of questions base paper forming , automatic paper grading , etc. The system provides security in the tie-tier authorized fashion including administrator , teacher and student .

  6. 目前,认知诊断已经成为CAT研究的重要部分之一,但目前的研究大多都基于0&1评分模型,这与我国测试题目(如证明题,计算题)的多级评分现状不相适应。

    Recently , the cognitive diagnosis has become one of important parts of research on CAT , but most of the researches are based on dichotomous scoring model , the extent of which is not applied extensively .

  7. 3从题型设计的角度提供直觉思维实际应用的机会,如开放题、选择题。

    Provide the actual applied opportunity in intuitional thought from the angle of a type design , such as open , multiple-choice test .

  8. 长期以来,我们主要依靠传统的标准化考试方法(如多项选择题或正误辨析等)来提高学生的学习成绩。

    We have a long history of striving to focus almost totally on the use of traditional tests ( e.g. standardized tests of multiple-choice items , true or false questions ) to enhance the effectiveness of student learning .

  9. 也加一些主观题如写作和问答题来测试学生的全面能力。

    Some subjective items such as writing or question and answer are also added to test the all ? round ability of the students .

  10. 数学开放题对我国数学教育而言,还是一个新生事物,其教育价值虽然已开始得到认同,但是很多问题有待进行深入系统的研究,如:数学开放题在探究性教学中究竟有哪些作用?

    Open problems is a new thing for Chinese mathematics education . Although its educational value has been recognized widely , there are many respects have not been resolved successfully .

  11. 分析并总结了常见的语言测试项目的设计方法,如:多项选择题的设计、词汇测试的设计、完形测试的设计、阅读理解的设计、听力测试的设计、写作测试的设计;

    And it analyzes and sums up the designing methods for the common items of language testing , such as multiple choice , vocabulary , cloze test , reading comprehension , listening comprehension , and writing .