
jì yào
  • summary;summary of minutes;summary (synopsis) of minutes
纪要 [jì yào]
  • [summary (synopsis) of minutes] 用文字记录的要点

  • 会议纪要

纪要[jì yào]
  1. 对欧洲议会的会议纪要文本,采用N重评价法、Garbling模型和编辑距离法3种方法对文本进行了自动识别,并比较了测试结果。

    Three different approaches for the automatic text recognition are implemented and the test results are compared with each another . The used corpora are the European Parliament 's conference summary . The implemented approaches are the evaluation of Bi or Trigram , the Garbling model and the Edit-Distance approach .

  2. 全国高师数学教育研究会2003年常务理事会会议纪要

    National Higher Normal Colleges Mathematics Education Seminar 2003 Council Conference Summary

  3. 九州大学理学部纪要,C部分:化学。

    Kyushu University : Faculty of Science : Memoirs : Series C : Chemistry .

  4. 周二发布的韩国央行(bankofkorea)会议纪要,显示出该行对资产价格上涨的担忧。

    Bank of Korea minutes released on Tuesday showed its concern about rising asset prices .

  5. 将在SPA官方网站上发布该会议纪要。

    They will be posted on the SPA website .

  6. 美联储(usfederalreserve)12月份会议的纪要显示,该机构官员对于要不要将购买资产的措施延续到2013年底存在分歧。

    Officials at the US Federal Reserve are split on whether to keep buying assets until the end of 2013 , according to the minutes of their December meeting .

  7. 资本经济(capitaleconomics)的乔纳森洛尼斯(jonathanloynes)表示,这份会议纪要“使近期降进一步降息的前景又有所减弱”。

    Jonathan Loynes at Capital Economics said the minutes " put another slight dent in the prospects of further near-term cuts in interest rates " .

  8. 美联储(Fed)最新会议纪要表明,放缓资产购买的计划仍然悬而未决,因为许多官员希望先看到就业市场进一步好转。

    A slowing of US Federal Reserve asset purchases is still in the balance with many officials wanting more gains in the jobs market first , according to minutes of its most recent meeting .

  9. 分析师表示,周二晚间公布的美联储(Fed)上一次政策会议纪要中的一份声明引发了美元抛盘。该声明指出,美元近期的下跌是有序的。

    Analysts said dollar selling was triggered by a statement in the minutes of the Federal Reserve 's last policy meeting , released on Tuesday night , which described the dollar 's recent decline as orderly .

  10. 周三公布的美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve,简称:美联储)会议纪要显示,美联储官员在1月28日-29日政策会议上承诺缩减债券购买计划,另外他们还讨论了在未来加息的可能。

    Federal Reserve officials were committed to winding down their bond-buying program at a January 28-29 policy meeting , and they also discussed the possibility of future interest rate increases , according to minutes of the meeting released Wednesday .

  11. 上月,美联储(Fed)会议纪要表明,美联储可能重新考虑向银行业体系注入近1.7万亿美元超额准备金的成本,这导致金融市场出现恐慌。

    The financial markets shook with fear last month when the minutes of the Federal Reserve 's meeting suggested that the US central bank might reconsider the costs of pumping nearly $ 1.7tn of excess reserves into the banking system .

  12. 美联储(FederalReserve)7月31日开会的纪要显示,这家美国央行的官员们近乎一致支持从今年晚些时候开始放缓资产购买,但在具体什么时候迈出第一步的问题上存在分歧。

    Federal Reserve officials were nearly united in supporting the slowing of US central bank asset purchases later this year , but divided on the timing of their first move , according to minutes from their last meeting on July 31 .

  13. 会议纪要表明,12名拥有投票权的FOMC成员中,有几个人希望将购买资产的措施延续至2013年底。

    According to the minutes , a few of the 12 voting FOMC members want to keep buying assets until the end of 2013 .

  14. 在SOAD中,产出件代表软件架构师现在(或过去)在项目中获取的设计研讨纪要。

    In SOAD , outcomes represent a form of design workshop minutes that software architects capture in the present or past tense .

  15. 周三发布的会议纪要显示,英国央行(bankofEngland)货币政策委员会本月以8:1投票决定将利率维持在5%不变,表明了英国央行对维持其通胀目标可信度的关切。

    The Bank of England 's monetary policy committee voted eight against one to hold interest rates at 5 per cent this month , according to minutes of the meeting published on Wednesday , signalling the Bank 's concern to maintain the credibility of its inflation target .

  16. 联邦公开市场委员会(federalopenmarketcommittee,fomc)9月21日会议的官方纪要显示,“许多”官员认为,新一轮货币放松,可能是向美国疲弱的复苏注入活力的必要之举。

    The official record from the September 21 gathering of the Federal Open Market Committee , which sets interest rates , showed that " many " officials thought a new round of monetary easing might be necessary to breathe life into the sluggish US recovery .

  17. 美联储(Fed)11月份会议纪要显示,该央行曾在10月中旬的一次特别电视会议上考虑是否应该确立某个长期利率目标。若那样做,其货币政策将彻底改变。

    The US Federal Reserve considered whether it should target a long-term interest rate at a special video conference meeting in mid-October in what would have been a radical change to its monetary policy , according to the minutes of its November meeting , writes Robin Harding .

  18. 会议纪要还显示,美联储倾向于改变其宽松货币政策的退出战略。按照这一战略,美联储将持有抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)至到期,而不会出售这些证券。

    The minutes also showed that the Fed was leaning towards a change in its exit strategy from easy monetary policy , under which it would hold mortgage-backed securities until they mature instead of selling them .

  19. 这份会议纪要显示,在就业和通胀前景都罕见地不确定的情况下,任何进一步放松货币政策的举措,都可能导致负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)出现严重分歧。

    The minutes suggest that the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee would be deeply split over any move towards further easing amid an unusually uncertain outlook for both employment and inflation .

  20. 3月18日议息会议的会议纪要指出,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)几名成员认为,考虑到经济前景已经改善,预计6月份加息举措的时机就会成熟。

    Minutes from the March 18 rate-setting meeting noted that several members of the Federal Open Market Committee expected a move to be merited in June given the improved economic outlook .

  21. 关键的美联储公共市场委员会(FOMC)会议的纪要显示,一些委员担心,此举将传递一个不适当信号,让人以为美联储准备进行大规模干预。

    The minutes of the crucial Fed open market committee meeting show a few members worried that its action would send an inappropriate signal that it was ready for large-scale intervention .

  22. 会议纪要表明,负责制定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的几名投票成员认为资产购买应在不久后放缓,但很多人希望先看到就业市场出现进一步好转。

    According to the minutes , several voting members of the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee thought asset purchases should slow down soon , but many wanted to see a further improvement in the jobs market first .

  23. 美联储会议纪要显示,qe3的持续时间仍是公开市场委员会激烈辩论的问题,其他“几名”与会者坚持无限期资产购买,并警告称,过早结束qe3可能损害经济。

    The Fed minutes show that the duration of qe3 remains hotly disputed on the FOMC , with " several " other participants sticking to open-ended purchases and warning that stopping too early could damage the economy .

  24. 玛格丽特•特纳为会议纪要撰写者。

    Margaret Turner acted as the minute taker for the meeting .

  25. 会议纪要称,这是个“千钧一发”的时刻。

    The minutes say it was a " close call " .

  26. 傅斯年与中国文化国际学术研讨会纪要

    A Summary of International Conference on Fu Sinian and Chinese Culture

  27. 历史文化在城市现代化中的功能与传承&南京二○○六名城市长论坛部分发言纪要

    The Function of Historical Culture in Urban Modernization and its heritage

  28. 全国玻璃钢工业发展讨论会会议纪要

    The summary of the Symposium of the national FRP Industry Development

  29. 当时不少人对这个《纪要》有意见。

    Quite a few people disagreed with it at the time .

  30. 谁来写会议纪要?

    A : Who is going to write the meeting minutes ?