
wàng yǔ
  • a lie;tell lies;wild talk;talk nonsense;rant
妄语 [wàng yǔ]
  • [tell lies;wild talk;rant] 虚妄不实的话;说假话

妄语[wàng yǔ]
  1. 另外一个是不要偷,还有不能说妄语,不要贪别人的东西。

    They also include refraining from stealing , telling lies , and coveting things that belong to others .

  2. 自上个世纪70年代以来,还没有哪项产业敢公然说出这种带有贸易保护主义的胡言妄语。

    This is the sort of protectionist tosh that most industries have not dared utter in public since the1970s .

  3. 因为在现实生活中,不弃只是一种虚言妄语,而放弃却是一种真实存在。

    Because in real life , not just a false statement lie abandoned , but it is a real give up .

  4. 在我们科学圈子里,多数曾看到过方舟子攻击肖医生的胡言乱语的人,都把它当作一个不顾一切寻求报复的人的妄语。

    Most of us in the scientific community have read the ravings of Mr Fang and dismissed them as the words of a man hell bent on revenge .

  5. 佛教五戒的内容是:不杀生,不偷盗,不邪淫,不妄语,不饮酒,其条目简单,而内涵却非常丰富。

    Five Precepts of Buddhism are : no killing , no stealing , no adultery , no lying , no drinking , its entry is simple , but content is very rich .

  6. 因为你打妄语,有争、贪、求、自私自利这些行为,就会影响胎儿也有这种心理,所以就不会在社会上做一个良好的国民。

    Because if a mother engages in any of these behaviors , her baby will be influenced accordingly and develop similar mindset . Consequently , the child won 't become a good citizen .

  7. 五戒中的戒杀、戒盗、戒淫、戒妄语是社会普遍认同的道德原则,即使比较特殊的饮酒戒与佛教修行联系也很紧密。

    Five Precepts of the killing and , quit stealing , prostitution ring , ring lie is generally recognized ethical principles of social , quit drinking even more special ties with the Buddhist practice is very close .